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maanantai 4. elokuuta 2014

Svalbard, GMO, Rockefeller, Gates, depopulation

Rockefellerin Monsanton arvellaankin ahneuksissaan tuhoavan ensin muut kasvityypit myydäkseen sitten enemmän omia patentoituja GMO versioitaan ja lopulta sitten omistavan koko maailmassa monopolin siinä. 

Kysymys on rockefellereiden pohjattomasta ahneudesta, itsekkäät Rockfellerit eivät välitä kenestään muusta kuin itsestään ja varsinkin toisten kustannuksella.
Sitten , kun maaperä on saatu lentokoneista tehdyillä myrkytysruiskutuksilla niin happamaksi ja myrkylliseksi, että mitkään muut kasvit eivät enää pysty siinä maaperässä elämään ja alkuperäiset luonnolliset siemenet on tuhottu, niin mikään ei voi sitten enää estää Rockefellereiden suunnitelman viimeistä vaihetta, koska  Rockefellereiden Monsanto omistaa jo patentit lähes kaikkiin GMO siemeniin, jotka kestävät alumiinin ja muut myrkyt, joita Suomenkin ilmatilaan ruiskutetaan.
Ei liene kenellekään enää epäselvää, miksi pääasasiassa Bill Gates ja Rockefellerit, jotka ovat Monsanton pääomistajia perustivat maailman viljelykasveille maailmanlaajuisen siemenholvin, kasvigeenipankin,  kaikkien maailman siemenpankkien "varmuusvaraston", Norjan Huippuvuorille vuonna 2008 ja miksi se on nimetty Nooan arkiksi tai Tuomiopäivän holviksi?

Tiesitkö, että sinne varastoidut puhtaat siemenet eivät ole sinua varten, vaan ainoastaan maailman rikkaimmille?
Sinulla ei ole mitään asiaa sinne!
Sinä et tule saamaan sieltä yhtään siementä!
Rockefellerien Monsanto haluaa kaikki muut siemenet pois ihmisiltä, maanviljelijöiltä, myös Suomessa!

If you control the oil, you control the country; if you control food, you control the population. - Henry Kissinger

Jos kontrolloit öljyn, kontrolloit maata; jos kontrolloit ruoan, kontrolloit ihmiskuntaa. - Henry Kissinger
Exterior view of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault.
One thing Microsoft founder Bill Gates

can’t be accused of is sloth. He was already programming at 14, founded Microsoft at age 20 while still a student at Harvard. By 1995 he had been listed by Forbes as the world’s richest man from being the largest shareholder in his Microsoft, a company which his relentless drive built into a de facto monopoly in software systems for personal computers.
It has been revealed through a recent release of documents that Nazi scientists were researching how to use mosquitos as biological dispersion agents,
"But in an article for the science journal Endeavour, Klaus Reinhardt says protocols kept by the head of the institute allow no other conclusion than that the institute also pursued research into biological warfare.
In 1944, scientists examined different types of mosquitoes for their life spans in order to establish whether they could be kept alive long enough to be transported from a breeding lab to a drop-off point. At the end of the trials, the director of the institute recommended a particular type of anopheles mosquito, a genus well-known for its capacity to transmit malaria to humans. (Guardian)"
Coincidentally Bill Gates has been funding research into this very thing by putting money into the genetic manipulation of mosquitos to deliver bio agents.

Here is a video of Bill Gates releasing mosquitos into a crowded hall during a TED talk live.
The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation is a eugenics organization that supports deadly vaccination programs that have given 47,500 people Polio and millions to Planned Parenthood, an organization built on eugenics and Nazi race sterilization science.
There is something very disconcerting with the world when a Billionaire known for funding mass vaccination programs with horribly crippling results and also has major family ties to Planned Parenthood, a company that has known racist, eugenics roots tries to resurrect Nazi Biological War Experiments under the guise of Philanthropy towards the 3rd world.
In 2006 when most people in such a situation might think of retiring to a quiet Pacific island, Bill Gates decided to devote his energies to his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the world’s largest ‘transparent’ private foundation as it says, with a whopping $34.6 billion endowment and a legal necessity to spend $1.5 billion a year on charitable projects around the world to maintain its tax free charitable status. A gift from friend and business associate, mega-investor Warren Buffett in 2006, of some $30 billion worth of shares in Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway put the Gates’ foundation into the league where it spends almost the amount of the entire annual budget of the United Nations’ World Health Organization.
So when Bill Gates decides through the Gates Foundation to invest some $30 million of their hard earned money in a project, it is worth looking at.

No project is more interesting at the moment than a curious project in one of the world’s most remote spots, Svalbard. Bill Gates is investing millions in a seed bank on the Barents Sea near the Arctic Ocean, some 1,100 kilometers from the North Pole. Svalbard is a barren piece of rock claimed by Norway and ceded in 1925 by international treaty.
On this God-forsaken island Bill Gates is investing tens of his millions along with the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto Corporation, Syngenta Foundation and the Government of Norway, among others, in what is called the ‘doomsday seed bank.’ Officially the project is named the Svalbard Global Seed Vault on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen, part of the Svalbard island group.
The seed bank is being built inside a mountain on Spitsbergen Island near the small village of Longyearbyen. It’s almost ready for ‘business’ according to their releases. The bank will have dual blast-proof doors with motion sensors, two airlocks, and walls of steel-reinforced concrete one meter thick. It will contain up to three million different varieties of seeds from the entire world, ‘so that crop diversity can be conserved for the future,’ according to the Norwegian government. Seeds will be specially wrapped to exclude moisture. There will be no full-time staff, but the vault’s relative inaccessibility will facilitate monitoring any possible human activity.
Did we miss something here? Their press release stated, ‘so that crop diversity can be conserved for the future.’ What future do the seed bank’s sponsors foresee, that would threaten the global availability of current seeds, almost all of which are already well protected in designated seed banks around the world?

Anytime Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto and Syngenta get together on a common project, it’s worth digging a bit deeper behind the rocks on Spitsbergen. When we do, we find some fascinating things.
The first notable point is who is sponsoring the doomsday seed vault. Here joining the Norwegians are, as noted, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; the US agribusiness giant DuPont/Pioneer Hi-Bred, one of the world’s largest owners of patented genetically-modified (GMO) plant seeds and related agrichemicals; Syngenta, the Swiss-based major GMO seed and agrichemicals company through its Syngenta Foundation; the Rockefeller Foundation, the private group who created the “gene revolution with over $100 million of seed money since the 1970’s; CGIAR, the global network created by the Rockefeller Foundation to promote its ideal of genetic purity through agriculture change.

CGIAR and ‘The Project’
As I detailled in the book, Seeds of Destruction, in 1960 the Rockefeller Foundation, John D. Rockefeller III’s Agriculture Development Council and the Ford Foundation joined forces to create the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in Los Baños, the Philippines. [1] By 1971, the Rockefeller Foundation’s IRRI, along with their Mexico-based International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center and two other Rockefeller and Ford Foundation-created international research centers, the IITA for tropical agriculture, Nigeria, and IRRI for rice, Philippines, combined to form a global Consultative Group on International Agriculture Research (CGIAR).
CGIAR was shaped at a series of private conferences held at the Rockefeller Foundation’s conference center in Bellagio, Italy. Key participants at the Bellagio talks were the Rockefeller Foundation’s George Harrar, Ford Foundation’s Forrest Hill, Robert McNamara of the World Bank and Maurice Strong, the Rockefeller family’s international environmental organizer, who, as a Rockefeller Foundation Trustee, organized the UN Earth Summit in Stockholm in 1972. It was part of the foundation’s decades long focus to turn science to the service of eugenics, a hideous version of racial purity, what has been called The Project.
To ensure maximum impact, CGIAR drew in the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization, the UN Development Program and the World Bank. Thus, through a carefully-planned leverage of its initial funds, the Rockefeller Foundation by the beginning of the 1970’s was in a position to shape global agriculture policy. And shape it did.
Financed by generous Rockefeller and Ford Foundation study grants, CGIAR saw to it that leading Third World agriculture scientists and agronomists were brought to the US to ‘master’ the concepts of modern agribusiness production, in order to carry it back to their homeland. In the process they created an invaluable network of influence for US agribusiness promotion in those countries, most especially promotion of the GMO ‘Gene Revolution’ in developing countries, all in the name of science and efficient, free market agriculture.
Note: If global warming is truly an international concern, why would the seed arc for the elite be built near the source of melting Arctic ice?
As we review the public statements by the various individuals and entities involved in the Doomsday Seed Vault Project, we find the same types of logic that claims injecting mercury and other deadly toxic substances is safe; claims jet fuel can vaporize steel-framed buildings and; the best way to achieve peace is through perpetual war.
 Genetically engineering a master race?
Now the Svalbard Seed Bank begins to become interesting. But it gets better. ‘The Project’ I referred to is the project of the Rockefeller Foundation and powerful financial interests since the 1920’s to use eugenics, later renamed genetics, to justify creation of a genetically-engineered Master Race. Hitler and the Nazis called it the Ayran Master Race.

The eugenics of Hitler were financed to a major extent by the same Rockefeller Foundation which today is building a doomsday seed vault to preserve samples of every seed on our planet. Now this is getting really intriguing. The same Rockefeller Foundation created the pseudo-science discipline of molecular biology in their relentless pursuit of reducing human life down to the ‘defining gene sequence’ which, they hoped, could then be modified in order to change human traits at will. Hitler’s eugenics scientists, many of whom were quietly brought to the United States after the War to continue their biological eugenics research, laid much of the groundwork of genetic engineering of various life forms, much of it supported openly until well into the Third Reich by Rockefeller Foundation generous grants. [2]
The same Rockefeller Foundation created the so-called Green Revolution, out of a trip to Mexico in 1946 by Nelson Rockefeller and former New Deal Secretary of Agriculture and founder of the Pioneer Hi-Bred Seed Company, Henry Wallace.
The Green Revolution purported to solve the world hunger problem to a major degree in Mexico, India and other select countries where Rockefeller worked. Rockefeller Foundation agronomist, Norman Borlaug, won a Nobel Peace Prize for his work, hardly something to boast about with the likes of Henry Kissinger sharing the same.
In reality, as it years later emerged, the Green Revolution was a brilliant Rockefeller family scheme to develop a globalized agribusiness which they then could monopolize just as they had done in the world oil industry beginning a half century before. As Henry Kissinger declared in the 1970’s, ‘If you control the oil you control the country; if you control food, you control the population.’
Agribusiness and the Rockefeller Green Revolution went hand-in-hand. They were part of a grand strategy which included Rockefeller Foundation financing of research for the development of genetic engineering of plants and animals a few years later.
John H. Davis had been Assistant Agriculture Secretary under President Dwight Eisenhower in the early 1950’s. He left Washington in 1955 and went to the Harvard Graduate School of Business, an unusual place for an agriculture expert in those days. He had a clear strategy. In 1956, Davis wrote an article in the Harvard Business Review in which he declared that “the only way to solve the so-called farm problem once and for all, and avoid cumbersome government programs, is to progress from agriculture to agribusiness.” He knew precisely what he had in mind, though few others had a clue back then--- a revolution in agriculture production that would concentrate control of the food chain in corporate multinational hands, away from the traditional family farmer. [3]
A crucial aspect driving the interest of the Rockefeller Foundation and US agribusiness companies was the fact that the Green Revolution was based on proliferation of new hybrid seeds in developing markets. One vital aspect of hybrid seeds was their lack of reproductive capacity. Hybrids had a built in protection against multiplication. Unlike normal open pollinated species whose seed gave yields similar to its parents, the yield of the seed borne by hybrid plants was significantly lower than that of the first generation.
That declining yield characteristic of hybrids meant farmers must normally buy seed every year in order to obtain high yields. Moreover, the lower yield of the second generation eliminated the trade in seed that was often done by seed producers without the breeder’s authorization. It prevented the redistribution of the commercial crop seed by middlemen. If the large multinational seed companies were able to control the parental seed lines in house, no competitor or farmer would be able to produce the hybrid. The global concentration of hybrid seed patents into a handful of giant seed companies, led by DuPont’s Pioneer Hi-Bred and Monsanto’s Dekalb laid the ground for the later GMO seed revolution. [4].
In effect, the introduction of modern American agricultural technology, chemical fertilizers and commercial hybrid seeds all made local farmers in developing countries, particularly the larger more established ones, dependent on foreign, mostly US agribusiness and petro-chemical company inputs. It was a first step in what was to be a decades-long, carefully planned process.
Under the Green Revolution Agribusiness was making major inroads into markets which were previously of limited access to US exporters. The trend was later dubbed “market-oriented agriculture.” In reality it was agribusiness-controlled agriculture.
Through the Green Revolution, the Rockefeller Foundation and later Ford Foundation worked hand-in-hand shaping and supporting the foreign policy goals of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and of the CIA.
One major effect of the Green Revolution was to depopulate the countryside of peasants who were forced to flee into shantytown slums around the cities in desperate search for work. That was no accident; it was part of the plan to create cheap labor pools for forthcoming US multinational manufactures, the ‘globalization’ of recent years.
When the self-promotion around the Green Revolution died down, the results were quite different from what had been promised. Problems had arisen from indiscriminate use of the new chemical pesticides, often with serious health consequences. The mono-culture cultivation of new hybrid seed varieties decreased soil fertility and yields over time. The first results were impressive: double or even triple yields for some crops such as wheat and later corn in Mexico. That soon faded.
The Green Revolution was typically accompanied by large irrigation projects which often included World Bank loans to construct huge new dams, and flood previously settled areas and fertile farmland in the process. Also, super-wheat produced greater yields by saturating the soil with huge amounts of fertilizer per acre, the fertilizer being the product of nitrates and petroleum, commodities controlled by the Rockefeller-dominated Seven Sisters major oil companies.
Huge quantities of herbicides and pesticides were also used, creating additional markets for the oil and chemical giants. As one analyst put it, in effect, the Green Revolution was merely a chemical revolution. At no point could developing nations pay for the huge amounts of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. They would get the credit courtesy of the World Bank and special loans by Chase Bank and other large New York banks, backed by US Government guarantees.
Applied in a large number of developing countries, those loans went mostly to the large landowners. For the smaller peasants the situation worked differently. Small peasant farmers could not afford the chemical and other modern inputs and had to borrow money.
Initially various government programs tried to provide some loans to farmers so that they could purchase seeds and fertilizers. Farmers who could not participate in this kind of program had to borrow from the private sector. Because of the exorbitant interest rates for informal loans, many small farmers did not even get the benefits of the initial higher yields. After harvest, they had to sell most if not all of their produce to pay off loans and interest. They became dependent on money-lenders and traders and often lost their land. Even with soft loans from government agencies, growing subsistence crops gave way to the production of cash crops. [5]
Since decades the same interests including the Rockefeller Foundation which backed the initial Green Revolution, have worked to promote a second ‘Gene Revolution’ as Rockefeller Foundation President Gordon Conway termed it several years ago, the spread of industrial agriculture and commercial inputs including GMO patented seeds.
Gates, Rockefeller and a Green Revolution in Africa

With the true background of the 1950’s Rockefeller Foundation Green Revolution clear in mind, it becomes especially curious that the same Rockefeller Foundation along with the Gates Foundation which are now investing millions of dollars in preserving every seed against a possible “doomsday” scenario are also investing millions in a project called The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa.
AGRA, as it calls itself, is an alliance again with the same Rockefeller Foundation which created the “Gene Revolution.” A look at the AGRA Board of Directors confirms this.
Kofi Annan attending the High-Level Conference on World Food Security at FAO Headquarters, Rome, 3-5 June 2008.
It includes none other than former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan as chairman. In his acceptance speech in a World Economic Forum event in Cape Town South Africa in June 2007, Kofi Annan stated, ‘I accept this challenge with gratitude to the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and all others who support our African campaign.’
In addition the AGRA board numbers a South African, Strive Masiyiwa who is a Trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation. It includes Sylvia M. Mathews of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Mamphela Ramphele, former Managing Director of the World Bank (2000 – 2006); Rajiv J. Shah of the Gates Foundation; Nadya K. Shmavonian of the Rockefeller Foundation; Roy Steiner of the Gates Foundation. In addition, an Alliance for AGRA includes Gary Toenniessen the Managing Director of the Rockefeller Foundation and Akinwumi Adesina, Associate Director, Rockefeller Foundation.
To fill out the lineup, the Programmes for AGRA includes Peter Matlon, Managing Director, Rockefeller Foundation; Joseph De Vries, Director of the Programme for Africa’s Seed Systems and Associate Director, Rockefeller foundation; Akinwumi Adesina, Associate Director, Rockefeller Foundation. Like the old failed Green Revolution in India and Mexico, the new Africa Green Revolution is clearly a high priority of the Rockefeller Foundation.
While to date they are keeping a low profile, Monsanto and the major GMO agribusiness giants are believed at the heart of using Kofi Annan’s AGRA to spread their patented GMO seeds across Africa under the deceptive label, ‘bio-technology,’ the new euphemism for genetically engineered patented seeds. To date South Africa is the only African country permitting legal planting of GMO crops. In 2003 Burkina Faso authorized GMO trials. In 2005 Kofi Annan’s Ghana drafted bio-safety legislation and key officials expressed their intentions to pursue research into GMO crops.
Africa is the next target in the US-government campaign to spread GMO worldwide. Its rich soils make it an ideal candidate. Not surprisingly many African governments suspect the worst from the GMO sponsors as a multitude of genetic engineering and biosafety projects have been initiated in Africa, with the aim of introducing GMOs into Africa’s agricultural systems. These include sponsorships offered by the US government to train African scientists in genetic engineering in the US, biosafety projects funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the World Bank; GMO research involving African indigenous food crops.
The Rockefeller Foundation has been working for years to promote, largely without success, projects to introduce GMOs into the fields of Africa. They have backed research that supports the applicability of GMO cotton in the Makhathini Flats in South Africa.
Monsanto, who has a strong foothold in South Africa’s seed industry, both GMO and hybrid, has conceived of an ingenious smallholders’ programme known as the ‘Seeds of Hope’ Campaign, which is introducing a green revolution package to small scale poor farmers, followed, of course, by Monsanto’s patented GMO seeds. [6]
Syngenta AG of Switzerland, one of the ‘Four Horsemen of the GMO Apocalypse’ is pouring millions of dollars into a new greenhouse facility in Nairobi, to develop GMO insect resistant maize. Syngenta is a part of CGIAR as well. [7]
Move on to Svalbard

Now is it simply philosophical sloppiness?
What leads the Gates and Rockefeller foundations to at one and the same time to back proliferation of patented and soon-to-be Terminator patented seeds across Africa, a process which, as it has in every other place on earth, destroys the plant seed varieties as monoculture industrialized agribusiness is introduced?
At the same time they invest tens of millions of dollars to preserve every seed variety known in a bomb-proof doomsday vault near the remote Arctic Circle ‘so that crop diversity can be conserved for the future’ to restate their official release?
It is no accident that the Rockefeller and Gates foundations are teaming up to push a GMO-style Green Revolution in Africa at the same time they are quietly financing the ‘doomsday seed vault’ on Svalbard.
The GMO agribusiness giants are up to their ears in the Svalbard project.
Indeed, the entire Svalbard enterprise and the people involved call up the worst catastrophe images of the Michael Crichton bestseller, Andromeda Strain, a sci-fi thriller where a deadly disease of extraterrestrial origin causes rapid, fatal clotting of the blood threatening the entire human species. In Svalbard, the future world’s most secure seed repository will be guarded by the policemen of the GMO Green Revolution—the Rockefeller and Gates Foundations, Syngenta, DuPont and CGIAR.
The Svalbard project will be run by an organization called the Global Crop Diversity Trust (GCDT). Who are they to hold such an awesome trust over the planet’s entire seed varieties? The GCDT was founded by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and Bioversity International (formerly the International Plant Genetic Research Institute), an offshoot of the CGIAR.
The Global Crop Diversity Trust is based in Rome. Its Board is chaired by Margaret Catley-Carlson a Canadian also on the advisory board of Group Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux, one of the world’s largest private water companies. Catley-Carlson was also president until 1998 of the New York-based Population Council, John D. Rockefeller’s population reduction organization, set up in 1952 to advance the Rockefeller family’s eugenics program under the cover of promoting “family planning,” birth control devices, sterilization and “population control” in developing countries.
Other GCDT board members include former Bank of America executive presently head of the Hollywood DreamWorks Animation, Lewis Coleman. Coleman is also the lead Board Director of Northrup Grumman Corporation, one of America’s largest military industry Pentagon contractors.
Jorio Dauster (Brazil) is also Board Chairman of Brasil Ecodiesel. He is a former Ambassador of Brazil to the European Union, and Chief Negotiator of Brazil’s foreign debt for the Ministry of Finance. Dauster has also served as President of the Brazilian Coffee Institute and as Coordinator of the Project for the Modernization of Brazil’s Patent System, which involves legalizing patents on seeds which are genetically modified, something until recently forbidden by Brazil’s laws.
Cary Fowler is the Trust’s Executive Director. Fowler was Professor and Director of Research in the Department for International Environment & Development Studies at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. He was also a Senior Advisor to the Director General of Bioversity International. There he represented the Future Harvest Centres of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) in negotiations on the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources. In the 1990s, he headed the International Program on Plant Genetic Resources at the FAO. He drafted and supervised negotiations of FAO’s Global Plan of Action for Plant Genetic Resources, adopted by 150 countries in 1996. He is a past-member of the National Plant Genetic Resources Board of the US and the Board of Trustees of the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center in Mexico, another Rockefeller Foundation and CGIAR project.

GCDT board member Dr. Mangala Rai of India is the Secretary of India’s Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE), and Director General of the Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR). He is also a Board Member of the Rockefeller Foundation’s International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), which promoted the world’s first major GMO experiment, the much-hyped ‘Golden Rice’ which proved a failure. Rai has served as Board Member for CIMMYT (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center), and a Member of the Executive Council of the CGIAR.
Global Crop Diversity Trust Donors or financial angels include as well, in the words of the Humphrey Bogart Casablanca classic, ‘all the usual suspects.’ As well as the Rockefeller and Gates Foundations, the Donors include GMO giants DuPont-Pioneer Hi-Bred, Syngenta of Basle Switzerland, CGIAR and the State Department’s energetically pro-GMO agency for development aid, USAID. Indeed it seems we have the GMO and population reduction foxes guarding the hen-house of mankind, the global seed diversity store in Svalbard. [8]
Why now Svalbard?
We can legitimately ask why Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation along with the major genetic engineering agribusiness giants such as DuPont and Syngenta, along with CGIAR are building the Doomsday Seed Vault in the Arctic.
Who uses such a seed bank in the first place? Plant breeders and researchers are the major users of gene banks. Today’s largest plant breeders are Monsanto, DuPont, Syngenta and Dow Chemical, the global plant-patenting GMO giants. Since early in 2007 Monsanto holds world patent rights together with the United States Government for plant so-called ‘Terminator’ or Genetic Use Restriction Technology (GURT). Terminator is an ominous technology by which a patented commercial seed commits ‘suicide’ after one harvest. Control by private seed companies is total. Such control and power over the food chain has never before in the history of mankind existed.
This clever genetically engineered terminator trait forces farmers to return every year to Monsanto or other GMO seed suppliers to get new seeds for rice, soybeans, corn, wheat whatever major crops they need to feed their population. If broadly introduced around the world, it could within perhaps a decade or so make the world’s majority of food producers new feudal serfs in bondage to three or four giant seed companies such as Monsanto or DuPont or Dow Chemical.
That, of course, could also open the door to have those private companies, perhaps under orders from their host government, Washington, deny seeds to one or another developing country whose politics happened to go against Washington’s. Those who say ‘It can’t happen here’ should look more closely at current global events. The mere existence of that concentration of power in three or four private US-based agribusiness giants is grounds for legally banning all GMO crops even were their harvest gains real, which they manifestly are not.
These private companies, Monsanto, DuPont, Dow Chemical hardly have an unsullied record in terms of stewardship of human life. They developed and proliferated such innovations as dioxin, PCBs, Agent Orange. They covered up for decades clear evidence of carcinogenic and other severe human health consequences of use of the toxic chemicals. They have buried serious scientific reports that the world’s most widespread herbicide, glyphosate, the essential ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide that is tied to purchase of most Monsanto genetically engineered seeds, is toxic when it seeps into drinking water. [9] Denmark banned glyphosate in 2003 when it confirmed it has contaminated the country’s groundwater. [10]
The diversity stored in seed gene banks is the raw material for plant breeding and for a great deal of basic biological research. Several hundred thousand samples are distributed annually for such purposes. The UN’s FAO lists some 1400 seed banks around the world, the largest being held by the United States Government. Other large banks are held by China, Russia, Japan, India, South Korea, Germany and Canada in descending order of size. In addition, CGIAR operates a chain of seed banks in select centers around the world.
CGIAR, set up in 1972 by the Rockefeller Foundation and Ford Foundation to spread their Green Revolution agribusiness model, controls most of the private seed banks from the Philippines to Syria to Kenya. In all these present seed banks hold more than six and a half million seed varieties, almost two million of which are ‘distinct.’ Svalbard’s Doomsday Vault will have a capacity to house four and a half million different seeds.
GMO as a weapon of biowarfare?
Now we come to the heart of the danger and the potential for misuse inherent in the Svalbard project of Bill Gates and the Rockefeller foundation. Can the development of patented seeds for most of the world’s major sustenance crops such as rice, corn, wheat, and feed grains such as soybeans ultimately be used in a horrible form of biological warfare?

The explicit aim of the eugenics lobby funded by wealthy elite families such as Rockefeller, Carnegie, Harriman and others since the 1920’s, has embodied what they termed ‘negative eugenics,’ the systematic killing off of undesired bloodlines. Margaret Sanger, a rapid eugenicist, the founder of Planned Parenthood International and an intimate of the Rockefeller family, created something called The Negro Project in 1939, based in Harlem, which as she confided in a letter to a friend, was all about the fact that, as she put it, ‘we want to exterminate the Negro population’. [11]
A small California biotech company, Epicyte, in 2001 announced the development of genetically engineered corn which contained a spermicide which made the semen of men who ate it sterile. At the time Epicyte had a joint venture agreement to spread its technology with DuPont and Syngenta, two of the sponsors of the Svalbard Doomsday Seed Vault. Epicyte was since acquired by a North Carolina biotech company. Astonishing to learn was that Epicyte had developed its spermicidal GMO corn with research funds from the US Department of Agriculture, the same USDA which, despite worldwide opposition, continued to finance the development of Terminator technology, now held by Monsanto.
In the 1990’s the UN’s World Health Organization launched a campaign to vaccinate millions of women in Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines between the ages of 15 and 45, allegedly against Tentanus, a sickness arising from such things as stepping on a rusty nail. The vaccine was not given to men or boys, despite the fact they are presumably equally liable to step on rusty nails as women.
Because of that curious anomaly, Comite Pro Vida de Mexico, a Roman Catholic lay organization became suspicious and had vaccine samples tested. The tests revealed that the Tetanus vaccine being spread by the WHO only to women of child-bearing age contained human Chorionic Gonadotrophin or hCG, a natural hormone which when combined with a tetanus toxoid carrier stimulated antibodies rendering a woman incapable of maintaining a pregnancy. None of the women vaccinated were told.
It later came out that the Rockefeller Foundation along with the Rockefeller’s Population Council, the World Bank (home to CGIAR), and the United States’ National Institutes of Health had been involved in a 20-year-long project begun in 1972 to develop the concealed abortion vaccine with a tetanus carrier for WHO. In addition, the Government of Norway, the host to the Svalbard Doomsday Seed Vault, donated $41 million to develop the special abortive Tetanus vaccine. [12]
Is it a coincidence that these same organizations, from Norway to the Rockefeller Foundation to the World Bank are also involved in the Svalbard seed bank project? According to Prof. Francis Boyle who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 [13] enacted by the US Congress, the Pentagon is ‘now gearing up to fight and win biological warfare’ as part of two Bush national strategy directives adopted, he notes, ‘without public knowledge and review’ in 2002. Boyle adds that in 2001-2004 alone the US Federal Government spent $14.5 billion for civilian bio-warfare-related work, a staggering sum.
Rutgers University biologist Richard Ebright estimates that over 300 scientific institutions and some 12,000 individuals in the USA today have access to pathogens suitable for biowarfare. Alone there are 497 US Government NIH grants for research into infectious diseases with biowarfare potential. Of course this is being justified under the rubric of defending against possible terror attack as so much is today.

Many of the US Government dollars spent on biowarfare research involve genetic engineering. MIT biology professor Jonathan King says that the ‘growing bio-terror programs represent a significant emerging danger to our own population.’ King adds, ‘while such programs are always called defensive, with biological weapons, defensive and offensive programs overlap almost completely.’ [14]
Time will tell whether, God Forbid, the Svalbard Doomsday Seed Bank of Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation is part of another Final Solution, this involving the extinction of the Late, Great Planet Earth.
Exterior view of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault.

[1] F. William Engdahl, Seeds of Destruction, Montreal, (Global Research, 2007).
[2] Ibid, pp.72-90.
[3] John H. Davis, Harvard Business Review, 1956, cited in Geoffrey Lawrence, Agribusiness, Capitalism and the Countryside, Pluto Press, Sydney, 1987. See also Harvard Business School, The Evolution of an Industry and a Seminar: Agribusiness Seminar.
[4] Engdahl, op cit., p. 130
[5] Ibid. P. 123-30.
[6] Myriam Mayet, The New Green Revolution in Africa: Trojan Horse for GMOs?, May, 2007, African Centre for Biosafety.
[7] ETC Group, Green Revolution 2.0 for Africa? , Communique Issue #94, March/April 2007.
[9] Engdahl, op. cit., pp.227-236.
[10] Anders Legarth Smith, [Denmark Bans Glyphosates, the Active Ingredient in Roundup, Politiken, September 15, 2003
[12] Engdahl, op. cit., pp. 273-275; J.A. Miller, Are New Vaccines Laced With Birth-Control Drugs?, HLI Reports, Human Life International, Gaithersburg, Maryland; June/July 1995, Volume 13, Number 8.
Chemtrails: Maailman talousfoorumi ja kemikaalivanat
12.1.2013 19:51 christian söderberg 2 kommenttia
Jos kemikaalivanat eli "chemtrailit", eli taivaalle lentokoneista levitettävät erilaiset kemikaalit sekä mm. metalli- ja muovipölyt, ovat pelkkää "vainoharhaisten kuvitelmia" ja todellisuudessa pelkkää tiivistynyttä vesihöyryä..
..niin selittäkääpä sitten miksi Sveitsin Genevessä majaansa pitävän Maailman talousfoorumin vuoden 2013 riskikartoituksessa maalaillaan sellaisia uhkakuvia että esim. "roistovaltiot" , tai jopa vauraat yksityishenkilöt, saattaisivat käyttää näitä mm. ilmaston- ja ympäristönmuokkaustekniikoita hyväkseen ja aiheuttaa mahdollisesti suurta tuhoa mm. ympäristölle ja paikalliselle ilmastolle.
Global Risks 2013, Eighth Edition
Tässä riskikartoituksessa mainitaan "kemikaalivanoista"  lähinnä rikkiyhdisteiden levittäminen ilmakehään heijastamaan auringon säteilyä takaisin avaruuteen, mutta kemikaaleilla voidaan myös muokata säätä ja armeijakäytössä metalli- ja muovipölyjä levitetään taivaalle mm. tutkanhäirintä ja tiedonsiirto tarkoituksissa.
..ja mm. alumiinipölyä on kaavailtu myös ilmakehään levitettäväksi heijastusaineeksi edellä mainittujen rikkiyhdisteiden tapaan.
Tässä wikipedia kertoo Maailman talousfoorumista:
Maailman talousfoorumi
"Maailman talousfoorumi (World Economic Forum, WEF) on Genevessä majapaikkaansa pitävä, voittoa tuottamaton säätiö. Se tunnetaan erityisesti Davosissa vuosittain järjestettävästä, liikemaailman tärkeimmät johtajat, merkittävät poliitikot sekä valitut intellektuellit ja toimittajat yhteen kokoavasta tapaamisesta, jossa puheenaiheina ovat päivänpolttavat maailmanlaajuiset aiheet. WEF järjestää myös erilaisia alueellisia tapaamisia sekä laatii raportteja muun muassa tasa-arvon toteutumisesta eri maissa."
..kaikennäköiset "vainoharhaiset salaliittoteoreetikot" näköjään päästetty päättämään ja keskustelemaan päivänpolttavista asioista! ..Heh-heh
Eli josko noissa jutuissa "kemikaalivanoista" nyt sitten kuitenkin on jotain perää, jos kerran maailman poliitikot, liikemaailman tärkeimmät johtajat ja intellektuellitkin niistä keskustelevat, vai mitä luulette?!
Tässä alla pientä infoa "chemtrailien" käyttökohteista, muutama patentti ja muutama uutisjuttu jne, jos jotakuta oikeasti aihe kiinnostaa enemmän kuin siitä pelkkä "salaliittoteoria"-lällättely:
Chemtrail-salalliittoteoriat wikipedian mukaan
On jopa koomista että hakusanalla "chemtrail" wikipedia heittää "salaliittoteoria-sivulle", jossa siis kemikaalivanojen kerrotaan olevan "salaliittoteoriaa".
..kuitenkin hieman myöhemmin sivulla kerrotaan että kemikaaleilla tapahtuva "pilvienkylväminen" (cloud seeding) ei muka kuulu näkemyksiin taivaalle levitetyistä "kemikaaleista". Kaikki varmaan ymmärtää, että tämä ristiriitainen väite on täysin absurdi.
"Pilviä kylvetään" mm. hopeajodidilla, eli taivaalle levitettävällä kemikaalilla. Piste.
"..Yhdiste on myös hyvin tunnettu käytettäessä sadepilvien kylvämisessä, koska hopeajodidi on kiteisenä hyvin jääkiteiden kaltaista sitä voidaan käyttää tiivistymisytiminä. Yhdistettä levitetään pilviin joko raketeilla tai lentokoneista, jolloin pilvissä oleva vesi tiivistyy ja tulee sateena alas.[2][3]." 
Sadepilvien kylvämisestä myöhemmin lisää.
Tosin sanoen, samalla sivulla missä wikipedia-artikkeli väittää kemikaalivanojen olevan "salaliittoteoriaa", heti kohta myönnetään sään- ja ilmastonmuokkaustarkoituksissa taivaalle levitettävien kemikaalien/materialien olevan TOSIASIA!
Wikipedia-sivulla myös luetellaan "salaliittoteoriaksi" näkemykset, että kemikaaleja tai pölyjä käytettäisiin mm. heijastamaan auringon vaikutuksia takaisin avaruuteen tai näiden materiaalien sodankäynti tarkoituksessa. Ja kuitenkin "aivoriihet" , kuten juuri Maailman talousfoorumi, keskustelee juuri näiden aineiden käytöstä ilmastonmuutostaistelussa..
...eli, tämä wikipedia-sivu on ihmisten ajattelua muokkaavaa propagandaa parhaimmillaan.
Chemtrail conspiracy theory
"Chemtrails" redirects here. (tekstin vahvennus ja alleviivaus minun tekemää)
" The term chemtrail is a portmanteau of the words "chemical" and "trail," just as contrail is a contraction of "condensation trail." The term does not refer to other forms of aerial spraying such as agricultural spraying ('crop dusting'), cloud seeding, skywriting, or aerial firefighting.[6] The term specifically refers to aerial trails allegedly caused by the systematic high-altitude release of chemical substances not found in ordinary contrails, resulting in the appearance of characteristic sky tracks. Supporters of this conspiracy theory speculate that the purpose of the chemical release may be for solar radiation management, population control, weather control, or biological warfare/chemical warfare and that these trails are causing respiratory illnesses and other health problems."
Rikkiyhdisteiden ja "metallipölyjen" levittäminen taivaalle auringon lämmittävien vaikutusten eliminoimiseksi ei ole mikään uusi ajatus.
Rikkiyhdisteiden levittämisestä taivaalle keskusteltiin ainakin jo 1970-luvulla kertoo Brittiläinen Royal Society vuoden 2008 ilmastonmuokkausmenetelmiä käsittelevässä julkaisussaan.[1]
Council on Foreign Relationsin vastaavanlaisessa raportissa puhutaan myös rikkidioksidin levittämisestä taivaalle ilmaston muuttamiseksi. Samalla kuitenkin kerrotaan myös sen olevan yleisimpiä happosateiden aiheuttajia.
Tässä CFR:n paperissa kerrotaan myös tutkimuksista taivaalle levitettävistä metallipölyistä, alumiinioksidi tässä tapauksessa, josta koituvia kustannuksia laskeskeltiin jo vuonna 1992.[2]
Eli näitä juttuja on tutkittu kauan ennen kuin internetin keskustelufoorumeilla alettiin kehittelemään "salaliittoteorioita", näistä menetelmistä.
 Tässä eräs patentti 1990-luvun alusta jossa puhutaan metallioksidien levittämisestä taivaalle auringon vaikutuksia vastaan. Patentissa tuodaan myös esille se että on tapoja lisätä näitä metallipartikkeleita itse lentokoneen polttoaineeseen, josta ne sitten pakokaasujen kanssa levittäytyvät halutulle alueelle.[3]
Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming
US Patent 5003186
Pilvien kylväminen ja muu säänmanipulointi kemikaaleilla ja muilla aineilla, mm. bakteereilla
 Kemikaaleilla tehtävään säänmuokkaukseenkin on patentteja ainakin 1970-luvun puolivälistä.
Esim. "cloud seedingiä" eli pilvien kylvämistä mm. hopeajodidilla, on patentoitu näihin aikoihin, mutta ko. menetelmät olivat käytössä USA:n asevoimilla Vietnamin sodan aikaan 1960-70 luvun taitteessa.
Tämä operaatio tunnetaan nimellä 'Operaatio Popeye"
Global juttu Operaatio Popeyesta:
 Operation Popeye-Project Popeye
Marraskuussa 2009 Yle uutiset kertoi pariinkin otteeseen keinotekoisesta sateen tuottamisesta, ja kertoi mm. Kiinan tekevän hopeajodidilla.[4] Myös Venezuelan presidentti Hugo Chavez kertoi Yle uutiosten mukaan aikovansa tehdä keinotekoista sadetta. [5]
Tässä "sadepilviä hopeajodidilla"- patentti vuodelta 1975:
United States Patent  3,877,642: Freezing nucleant
..ja sadepilviä voidaan ilmeisesti kylvää myös joitain bakteereja käyttämällä (Bioprecipitation)[6]
"Kemikaalivanojen" sotilaskäyttö: säänmuokkausta, tutkahäirintää ja tiedonsiirtoa (suojausta?)
..laajoja "chemtrail"-pölypilviä meteorologien säätutkissa
 Säänmuokkaus sodankäynnin välineenä on muka "salaliittoteoriaa", mutta silti sen kieltämiseksi tehtiin kansainvälinen sopimus 1970-luvun lopulla.
 Vuonna 1977 Genevessä alettiin kerätä osallistujia sodankäynnissä käytettävän ympäristönmuokkauksen kieltävään sopimukseen, joka otettiin käyttöön lokakuussa 1978. [7]
 Sopimus kieltää mm. sään- ja ilmastonmuokkauksen, maanjäristysten, tsunamien ja hurrikaanien käytön sodankäynnissä, sekä myös mm. otsonikerroksen tai ionosfäärin manipuloinnin näissä tarkoituksia.
Sopimus ei kuitenkaan kiellä näiden menetelmien rauhanomaista käyttöä.
..Eli eihän luonnonilmiöiden luominen ja ilmastonmuokkaus ole pelkkää "salaliittoteoriaa" jos näiden käyttöä sodissa on pelätty niin että näistä menetelmistä on jo allekirjoitettu kieltosopimuksia.
Toki luonnonilmiöitä voi ilmeisesti tuottaa muutenkin kuin kemiallisesti. Mediassa oli hetki sitten juttua "tsunamipommista", ja maanjäristyksiä ja hurrikaaneja voidaan ilmeisesti saada aikaan nk. HAARP teknologialla, eli sähkömagneettisella energialla.
Sotilaskäyttöön taivaalle levitettäviä materiaaleja voi siis käyttää useaan eri tarkoitukseen. Niin hyökkäys-  kuin myös maanpuolustustarkoituksissa.
Koska tällaiset asiat ja teknologiat ovat varmasti monissa maissa, varmaan myös Suomessa, maanpuolustussalaisuuksiin kuuluvia asioita, niin tällöin näistä ei juuri haluta kertoa julkisesti. Tämä ymmärrettävä salailu myös on saanut aikaan sen että yleisesti näistä kemikaalivanoista ei edes tiedetä, ja yleensä näitä kutsutaan tosiaan pelkäksi vesihöyryksi.
..myöskään se tieto ei päädy ihmisille, että mitä kaikkea sinne taivaalle oikein levitetään.
Saksassa kuitenkin ilmavoimista on jo myönnetty RTL:n uutisohjelmalle että mm. sotaharjoitusten aikaan taivaalle on levitetty metalli- ja polymeeripölyjä (yhdessä tai erikseen) ..jotka ovat muodostaneet, ainoistaan joissain säätutkissa näkyviä, suuria alueita kattavia "harsopilviä". Pituutta suurimmilla "pilvilautoilla" oli jopa 350 kilometriä. Näitä massiivisia lauttoja ilmaantui Saksan säätieteilijöiden tutkiin ensikerran vuonna 2005.
Tässä alla tämä RTL-pätkä YouTube videona ..kuvanlaatu ei mikään paras, mutta asiasta saa kuitenkin selvän.
Videossa ainoastaan englanninkielinen tekstitys, joka ei taida olla sanatarkka. Tekstin kääntäjä esim. puhuu käännöksessään "chemtraileista", vaikka uutisjutussa taidetaan mainita sana "düppel", joka taas viittaa ilmeisesti samaan kuin englannin kielinen sana "chaff", joka on tutkanhäirintä materiaalia.
Eli alkuperäisessä jutussa ei taideta käyttää sanoja 'chem trail', vaikka samasta asiasta kuitenkin on kyse. Eli että koneet voivat levittää esim. metallipölyjä taivaalle, kuten Saksan ilmavoimista jutun mukaan myönnettiin.
RTL - Chemtrail Einsätze der Luftwaffe
"Chaff" nimitystä kantava mm. sotilaskoneiden käyttämä tutkanhäirintä menetelmä on mainittu Jenkkilän uutisten meteorologien taholta melko usein. Aikaisemmin chaff  koostui erilaisista ohuista kuiduista, joita koneet voivat esim. panosten myötä pöläytellä ympäristöönsä.
Mutta kuten RTL:llekin kerrottiin niin näitä tukan häirintään käytettäviä materiaaleja on myös pölymuodossa, ja tuollainen chaff-pölyn levittäjä  patentoitiin ainakin jo 1970-luvun puolivälissä, eli kaikki chaff-materiaalit eivät siis ole pelkkiä kuituja , vaan näitä materiaaleja on myös pölymuodossa.
Tällaisilla pulveri materiaaleilla saadaan ilmeisesti parempi suoja/peitto verrattaessa kuitumaisiin tutkan häirintä-materiaaleihin, kerrotaan tässä tutkanhäirintäpöly-patentissa:
Ellipsoidal chaff
US Patent 5212488
Tässä "pulveri pakokaasuvana"-patentti vuodelta 1975, jossa mainitaan että tässä käytettävät erilaiset pulverit voivat olla esimerkiksi sähkömagnetismia heijastavia.
Kyseiselle "taivaan pulverointi"-kojeelle voisi löytyä käyttöä esim. asevoimien häivetekniikoiden tiimoilta, tai sitten tiedonsiirto puolelta.
Patent US3899144
Tässä tuoreempi patentti moottorikäyttöiselle chaff-levittäjälle 2000-luvun puolelta , jolla voidaan levittää taivaalle mm. metallipölyjä:
Dispenser structure for chaff countermeasures
United States Patent 6666351
Tässä alla YouTube-video joissa pätkiä uutisten sääosuuksista joissa meteorologit kertovat ilmavoimien levittävän/ruiskuttavan mm. metalli ja muovipartikkeleita(mm. mylar) taivaalle vältelläkseen tutkia. Näitä massiivisia "tekopilvilauttoja" näytetään myös tutkaruuduilta.
Chemtrails- Some military uses explained on Local News ..FOX NBC
Eli onhan noita patentteja säänmuokkaukseen ja metallipölyjen levittämiseen taivaalle, moneen eri tarkoitukseen, ollut olemassa jo vuosikymmeniä.
"Kemikaalivanat" sinänsä siis eivät ole pelkkiä vainoharhaisten kuvitelmia, vaan FAKTAA, vaikka varmasti näistä saa netissä lukea mitä eriskummallisempia teorioita..
..esim. Maailman talousfoorumin julkaisusta.
[1]An overview of geoengineering of climate using stratospheric sulphate aerosols
This study describes an approach to cooling the planet, which goes back to the mid-1970s, when Budyko (1974) suggested that, if global warming ever became a serious threat, we could counter it with airplane flights in the stratosphere, burning sulphur to make aerosols that would reflect sunlight away.”
[2]Unilateral Geoengineering
Non-technical Briefing Notes for a Workshop At the Council on Foreign Relations
"..Applied to geoengineering, various technologies could be used to loft particles into the stratosphere, such as naval guns, rockets, hot air balloons or blimps, or a fleet of highflying aircraft. Potential types of particles for injection include sulfur dioxide, aluminum oxide dust or even designer self-levitating aerosols that might be engineered to migrate to particular regions (e.g. over the arctic) or to rise above the stratospher (so as not to interfere in stratospheric chemistry). Because of the relative horizontal stability of the stratosphere compared to the troposphere, the residence time of injected particles is approximately 1-2 years..."
[3]Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming
US Patent 5003186
"The method incudes the step of seeding the layer of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere with particles of materials characterized by wavelength-dependent emissivity. Such materials include Welsbach materials and the oxides of metals which have high emissivity (and thus low reflectivities) in the visible and 8-12 micron infrared wavelength regions.
... One proposed solution to the problem of global warming involves the seeding of the atmosphere with metallic particles. One technique proposed to seed the metallic particles was to add the tiny particles to the fuel of jet airliners, so that the particles would be emitted from the jet engine exhaust while the airliner was at its cruising altitude."
[4]Peking peittyi keinolumeen
"Peking ja Kiinan pohjoisosat ovat vuosikausia kärsineet kuivuudesta ja osin sateet ovat tyystin loppuneet. Kiina on jo vuosikausia aiheuttanut keinotekoisia kesäsateita helpottaakseen vesipulaa ja puhdistaakseen ilmaa saasteista. Nopean talouskasvun takia myös Kiinan pohjavesivarastot ovat kovassa käytössä.
Lumisadetta voi tehdä pilviin kylvettävällä hopeajodidilla, joka aiheuttaa jääkiteiden muodostumista. Ilmatiede on huipussaan Kiinassa, missä alalla työskentelee yli 30 000 ammattilaista. Heidän käytössään on useita ilma-aluksia ja raketteja muun muassa sateen ja lumisateen tekemiseksi."
[5]Chavez ryhtyi sateentekijäksi
Venezuelan presidentti Hugo Chavez on luvannut helpottaa maata vaivaavaa kuivuutta tekemällä sadetta. Chavez sanoi lauantaisessa televisiopuheessaan lähettävänsä pian lentokoneita pommittamaan pilviä Kuubasta saamiensa laitteiden avulla.
"Chavez ei kertonut tarkemmin, kuinka sadetta aiotaan synnyttää. Muun muassa Kiinassa sadetta on tehty kylvämällä lentokoneista pilviin hopeajodidia."
"Bioprecipitation is the concept of rain-making bacteria and was proposed by David Sands from Montana State University before 1983. ... The ice-nucleating bacteria currently known are mostly plant pathogens. Recent research suggests that bacteria may be present in clouds as part of an evolved process of dispersal.
Ice-nucleating bacteria are used in cloud seeding."
[7]Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques
Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation
Signed in Geneva May 18, 1977
Entered into force October 5, 1978
"Understanding Relating to Article II
It is the understanding of the Committee that the following examples are illustrative of phenomena that could be caused by the use of environmental modification techniques as defined in Article II of the Convention: earthquakes, tsunamis; an upset in the ecological balance of a region; changes in weather patterns (clouds, precipitation, cyclones of various types and tornadic storms); changes in climate patterns; changes in ocean currents; changes in the state of the ozone layer; and changes in the state of the ionosphere.
It is further understood that all the phenomena listed above, when produced by military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques, would result, or could reasonably be expected to result, in widespread, long-lasting or severe destruction, damage or injury. Thus, military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques as defined in Article II, so as to cause those phenomena as a means of destruction, damage or injury to another State Party, would be prohibited."
How Bill Gates, Syngenta and Rockefeller Became Custodians of the Doomsday Crop Diversity Vault
By Theodora Filis | | Jun. 14, 2011
When names like Gates, Rockefeller and Syngenta show up as key players on the same project, I find time to dig a bit deeper. One thing this elite group can not be accused of is a reluctance to make an impact on the world, be it positive or negative. So what could get them all to invest millions of US dollars each? I found out, and it’s fascinating.
High above an icy fjord on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen, deep inside a frozen mountain, three concrete chambers are home to our world’s most important natural resources. Situated inside the Arctic Circle, built to withstand global warming, floods, wars and a nuclear catastrophe, the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, nicknamed the ‘doomsday seed bank’ by the BBC, was officially opened on February 26, 2008, and serves as the ultimate safety net for our world’s seeds.
Bill Gates is investing tens of his millions of US dollars in this project, along with the Rockefeller Foundation, the Norwegian government and many others.
The history of Svalbard Global Seed Vault starts as early as 1983,” says a Svalbard press release. “Preserving seed from food plants is an absolutely essential part of the work of preserving the world’s biodiversity, adapting to climate change and global warming and thereby ensuring food for the world’s population for the foreseeable future. There are hundreds of gene banks around the world. But some of them are vulnerable to natural disasters, war or the lack of management or finance. The foundation of a global ‘central bank’ for the world’s seeds (primarily of food plants) has therefore long been an issue.”
Did we miss something here? The press release talks about conserving global crop diversity for the foreseeable future – but what future do the seed bank’s sponsors foresee that would threaten the global availability of current seeds?
The first notable point is who is sponsoring the doomsday seed vault. Joining the Norwegian government are: the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; the US agribusiness giant DuPont/Pioneer Hi-Bred, one of the world’s largest owners of patented genetically-modified plant seeds and related agrichemicals; Syngenta, the major Swiss-based GMO seed and agrichemicals company, through its Syngenta Foundation; the Rockefeller Foundation, the private group that has raised over $100 million for this project since the 1970s; and Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), the global network created by the Rockefeller Foundation.
Why are the Gates and Rockefeller foundations supporting the proliferation of patented seeds – which, wherever they are used, drive out natural, local species – and at the same time investing tens of millions of dollars to preserve every seed variety known in a bomb-proof vault way inside the Arctic Circle ‘so that crop diversity can be conserved for the future’?
Perhaps it’s no accident that the Rockefeller and Gates foundations are quietly financing the doomsday seed bank on Spitsbergen.
The Svalbard project will be run by an organization called the Global Crop Diversity Trust, which was founded by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and Bioversity International (formerly the International Plant Genetic Research Institute), an offshoot of the CGIAR.
The Global Crop Diversity Trust (GCDT) is based in Rome. Its board is chaired by Margaret Catley-Carlson, a Canadian also on the advisory board of Group Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux, one of the world’s largest private water companies. Catley-Carlson was also president until 1998 of the New York-based Population Council, John D Rockefeller’s population reduction organization, set up in 1952 to advance the Rockefeller family’s eugenics program under the cover of promoting ‘family planning’, birth control devices, sterilization and ‘population control’ in developing countries.
Other GCDT board members include former Bank of America executive and current head of the Hollywood DreamWorks Animation, Lewis Coleman. Coleman is also the lead board director of Northrup Grumman Corporation, one of America’s largest military industry Pentagon contractors.
Jorio Dauster (Brazil) is also board chairman of Brasil Ecodiesel. He is a former Brazilian ambassador to the European Union, and chief negotiator of Brazil’s foreign debt for the Ministry of Finance. Dauster has also served as president of the Brazilian Coffee Institute and as coordinator of the Project for the Modernization of Brazil’s Patent System, which involves legalizing patents on seeds that are genetically modified, something until recently forbidden by Brazil’s laws.
Cary Fowler is the Trust’s executive director. Fowler was a professor and director of research in the Department for International Environment & Development Studies at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. He was also a senior advisor to the director general of Bioversity International. There he represented the Future Harvest Centres of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) in negotiations on the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources. In the 1990s, he headed the International Program on Plant Genetic Resources at the FAO. He drafted and supervised negotiations of FAO’s Global Plan of Action for Plant Genetic Resources, adopted by 150 countries in 1996. He is a past member of the National Plant Genetic Resources Board of the US and the Board of Trustees of the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) in Mexico, another Rockefeller Foundation and CGIAR project.
GCDT board member Dr Mangala Rai of India is the secretary of India’s Department of Agricultural Research and Education, and director general of the Indian Council for Agricultural Research. He is also a board member of the Rockefeller Foundation’s International Rice Research Institute, which promoted the world’s first major GMO experiment – the much-hyped ‘Golden Rice’, which proved a failure. Rai has served as board member for CIMMYT and a member of the executive council of  CGIAR.
The first installment from the CGIAR collections will contain duplicates from international agricultural research centers based in Benin, Colombia, Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, the Philippines and Syria.
Collectively, the CGIAR centers maintain 600,000 plant varieties in crop gene-banks, which are regarded as the foundation of global efforts to conserve agricultural biodiversity. The seed banks are supposed to be protected from attempts by Monsanto et al to try to use the seeds for their patent efforts. However, there have been documented cases where seed samples were illegally given to Monsanto and other GM giants to develop GMO traits.
Global Crop Diversity Trust donors also include, the Rockefeller and Gates foundations, GM giants DuPont-Pioneer Hi-Bred, Syngenta of Basle Switzerland, CGIAR and the State Department’s energetically pro-GMO agency for development aid, USAID.
It would seem that it’s the foxes who are guarding mankind’s ‘last resort’ hen-house – the global seed diversity store in Svalbard.
Sources:William Engdahl, Seeds of Destruction, Montreal, (Global Research, 2007).
John H. Davis, Harvard Business Review, 1956, cited in Geoffrey Lawrence, Agribusiness, Capitalism and the Countryside, Pluto Press, Sydney, 1987. See also Harvard Business School, The Evolution of an Industry and a Seminar: Agribusiness Seminar
Myriam Mayet, The New Green Revolution in Africa: Trojan Horse for GMOs?, May, 2007, African Centre for Biosafety,
ETC Group, Green Revolution 2.0 for Africa?, Communique Issue #94, March/April 2007.

Doomsday Seed Vault” in the Arctic
Bill Gates, Rockefeller and the GMO giants know something we don’t
Global Research, April 24, 2014
Global Research 4 December 2007

One thing Microsoft founder Bill Gates can’t be accused of is sloth. He was already programming at 14, founded Microsoft at age 20 while still a student at Harvard. By 1995 he had been listed by Forbes as the world’s richest man from being the largest shareholder in his Microsoft, a company which his relentless drive built into a de facto monopoly in software systems for personal computers.
In 2006 when most people in such a situation might think of retiring to a quiet Pacific island, Bill Gates decided to devote his energies to his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the world’s largest ‘transparent’ private foundation as it says, with a whopping $34.6 billion endowment and a legal necessity to spend $1.5 billion a year on charitable projects around the world to maintain its tax free charitable status. A gift from friend and business associate, mega-investor Warren Buffett in 2006, of some $30 billion worth of shares in Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway put the Gates’ foundation into the league where it spends almost the amount of the entire annual budget of the United Nations’ World Health Organization.
So when Bill Gates decides through the Gates Foundation to invest some $30 million of their hard earned money in a project, it is worth looking at.
No project is more interesting at the moment than a curious project in one of the world’s most remote spots, Svalbard. Bill Gates is investing millions in a seed bank on the Barents Sea near the Arctic Ocean, some 1,100 kilometers from the North Pole. Svalbard is a barren piece of rock claimed by Norway and ceded in 1925 by international treaty.
On this God-forsaken island Bill Gates is investing tens of his millions along with the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto Corporation, Syngenta Foundation and the Government of Norway, among others, in what is called the ‘doomsday seed bank.’ Officially the project is named the Svalbard Global Seed Vault on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen, part of the Svalbard island group.
The seed bank is being built inside a mountain on Spitsbergen Island near the small village of Longyearbyen. It’s almost ready for ‘business’ according to their releases. The bank will have dual blast-proof doors with motion sensors, two airlocks, and walls of steel-reinforced concrete one meter thick. It will contain up to three million different varieties of seeds from the entire world, ‘so that crop diversity can be conserved for the future,’ according to the Norwegian government. Seeds will be specially wrapped to exclude moisture. There will be no full-time staff, but the vault’s relative inaccessibility will facilitate monitoring any possible human activity.
Did we miss something here? Their press release stated, ‘so that crop diversity can be conserved for the future.’ What future do the seed bank’s sponsors foresee, that would threaten the global availability of current seeds, almost all of which are already well protected in designated seed banks around the world?
Anytime Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto and Syngenta get together on a common project, it’s worth digging a bit deeper behind the rocks on Spitsbergen. When we do we find some fascinating things.
The first notable point is who is sponsoring the doomsday seed vault. Here joining the Norwegians are, as noted, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; the US agribusiness giant DuPont/Pioneer Hi-Bred, one of the world’s largest owners of patented genetically-modified (GMO) plant seeds and related agrichemicals; Syngenta, the Swiss-based major GMO seed and agrichemicals company through its Syngenta Foundation; the Rockefeller Foundation, the private group who created the “gene revolution with over $100 million of seed money since the 1970’s; CGIAR, the global network created by the Rockefeller Foundation to promote its ideal of genetic purity through agriculture change.
CGIAR and ‘The Project’
As I detailled in the book, Seeds of Destruction1, in 1960 the Rockefeller Foundation, John D. Rockefeller III’s Agriculture Development Council and the Ford Foundation joined forces to create the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in Los Baños, the Philippines. By 1971, the Rockefeller Foundation’s IRRI, along with their Mexico-based International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center and two other Rockefeller and Ford Foundation-created international research centers, the IITA for tropical agriculture, Nigeria, and IRRI for rice, Philippines, combined to form a global Consultative Group on International Agriculture Research (CGIAR).
CGIAR was shaped at a series of private conferences held at the Rockefeller Foundation’s conference center in Bellagio, Italy. Key participants at the Bellagio talks were the Rockefeller Foundation’s George Harrar, Ford Foundation’s Forrest Hill, Robert McNamara of the World Bank and Maurice Strong, the Rockefeller family’s international environmental organizer, who, as a Rockefeller Foundation Trustee, organized the UN Earth Summit in Stockholm in 1972. It was part of the foundation’s decades long focus to turn science to the service of eugenics, a hideous version of racial purity, what has been called The Project.
To ensure maximum impact, CGIAR drew in the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization, the UN Development Program and the World Bank. Thus, through a carefully-planned leverage of its initial funds, the Rockefeller Foundation by the beginning of the 1970’s was in a position to shape global agriculture policy. And shape it did.
Financed by generous Rockefeller and Ford Foundation study grants, CGIAR saw to it that leading Third World agriculture scientists and agronomists were brought to the US to ‘master’ the concepts of modern agribusiness production, in order to carry it back to their homeland. In the process they created an invaluable network of influence for US agribusiness promotion in those countries, most especially promotion of the GMO ‘Gene Revolution’ in developing countries, all in the name of science and efficient, free market agriculture.
Genetically engineering a master race?
Now the Svalbard Seed Bank begins to become interesting. But it gets better. ‘The Project’ I referred to is the project of the Rockefeller Foundation and powerful financial interests since the 1920’s to use eugenics, later renamed genetics, to justify creation of a genetically-engineered Master Race. Hitler and the Nazis called it the Ayran Master Race.
The eugenics of Hitler were financed to a major extent by the same Rockefeller Foundation which today is building a doomsday seed vault to preserve samples of every seed on our planet. Now this is getting really intriguing. The same Rockefeller Foundation created the pseudo-science discipline of molecular biology in their relentless pursuit of reducing human life down to the ‘defining gene sequence’ which, they hoped, could then be modified in order to change human traits at will. Hitler’s eugenics scientists, many of whom were quietly brought to the United States after the War to continue their biological eugenics research, laid much of the groundwork of genetic engineering of various life forms, much of it supported openly until well into the Third Reich by Rockefeller Foundation generous grants.2
The same Rockefeller Foundation created the so-called Green Revolution, out of a trip to Mexico in 1946 by Nelson Rockefeller and former New Deal Secretary of Agriculture and founder of the Pioneer Hi-Bred Seed Company, Henry Wallace.
The Green Revolution purported to solve the world hunger problem to a major degree in Mexico, India and other select countries where Rockefeller worked. Rockefeller Foundation agronomist, Norman Borlaug, won a Nobel Peace Prize for his work, hardly something to boast about with the likes of Henry Kissinger sharing the same.
In reality, as it years later emerged, the Green Revolution was a brilliant Rockefeller family scheme to develop a globalized agribusiness which they then could monopolize just as they had done in the world oil industry beginning a half century before. As Henry Kissinger declared in the 1970’s, ‘If you control the oil you control the country; if you control food, you control the population.’
Agribusiness and the Rockefeller Green Revolution went hand-in-hand. They were part of a grand strategy which included Rockefeller Foundation financing of research for the development of genetic engineering of plants and animals a few years later.
John H. Davis had been Assistant Agriculture Secretary under President Dwight Eisenhower in the early 1950’s. He left Washington in 1955 and went to the Harvard Graduate School of Business, an unusual place for an agriculture expert in those days. He had a clear strategy. In 1956, Davis wrote an article in the Harvard Business Review in which he declared that “the only way to solve the so-called farm problem once and for all, and avoid cumbersome government programs, is to progress from agriculture to agribusiness.” He knew precisely what he had in mind, though few others had a clue back then— a revolution in agriculture production that would concentrate control of the food chain in corporate multinational hands, away from the traditional family farmer. 3
A crucial aspect driving the interest of the Rockefeller Foundation and US agribusiness companies was the fact that the Green Revolution was based on proliferation of new hybrid seeds in developing markets. One vital aspect of hybrid seeds was their lack of reproductive capacity. Hybrids had a built in protection against multiplication. Unlike normal open pollinated species whose seed gave yields similar to its parents, the yield of the seed borne by hybrid plants was significantly lower than that of the first generation.
That declining yield characteristic of hybrids meant farmers must normally buy seed every year in order to obtain high yields. Moreover, the lower yield of the second generation eliminated the trade in seed that was often done by seed producers without the breeder’s authorization. It prevented the redistribution of the commercial crop seed by middlemen. If the large multinational seed companies were able to control the parental seed lines in house, no competitor or farmer would be able to produce the hybrid. The global concentration of hybrid seed patents into a handful of giant seed companies, led by DuPont’s Pioneer Hi-Bred and Monsanto’s Dekalb laid the ground for the later GMO seed revolution. 4
In effect, the introduction of modern American agricultural technology, chemical fertilizers and commercial hybrid seeds all made local farmers in developing countries, particularly the larger more established ones, dependent on foreign, mostly US agribusiness and petro-chemical company inputs. It was a first step in what was to be a decades-long, carefully planned process.
Under the Green Revolution Agribusiness was making major inroads into markets which were previously of limited access to US exporters. The trend was later dubbed “market-oriented agriculture.” In reality it was agribusiness-controlled agriculture.
Through the Green Revolution, the Rockefeller Foundation and later Ford Foundation worked hand-in-hand shaping and supporting the foreign policy goals of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and of the CIA.
One major effect of the Green Revolution was to depopulate the countryside of peasants who were forced to flee into shantytown slums around the cities in desperate search for work. That was no accident; it was part of the plan to create cheap labor pools for forthcoming US multinational manufactures, the ‘globalization’ of recent years.
When the self-promotion around the Green Revolution died down, the results were quite different from what had been promised. Problems had arisen from indiscriminate use of the new chemical pesticides, often with serious health consequences. The mono-culture cultivation of new hybrid seed varieties decreased soil fertility and yields over time. The first results were impressive: double or even triple yields for some crops such as wheat and later corn in Mexico. That soon faded.
The Green Revolution was typically accompanied by large irrigation projects which often included World Bank loans to construct huge new dams, and flood previously settled areas and fertile farmland in the process. Also, super-wheat produced greater yields by saturating the soil with huge amounts of fertilizer per acre, the fertilizer being the product of nitrates and petroleum, commodities controlled by the Rockefeller-dominated Seven Sisters major oil companies.
Huge quantities of herbicides and pesticides were also used, creating additional markets for the oil and chemical giants. As one analyst put it, in effect, the Green Revolution was merely a chemical revolution. At no point could developing nations pay for the huge amounts of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. They would get the credit courtesy of the World Bank and special loans by Chase Bank and other large New York banks, backed by US Government guarantees.
Applied in a large number of developing countries, those loans went mostly to the large landowners. For the smaller peasants the situation worked differently. Small peasant farmers could not afford the chemical and other modern inputs and had to borrow money.
Initially various government programs tried to provide some loans to farmers so that they could purchase seeds and fertilizers. Farmers who could not participate in this kind of program had to borrow from the private sector. Because of the exorbitant interest rates for informal loans, many small farmers did not even get the benefits of the initial higher yields. After harvest, they had to sell most if not all of their produce to pay off loans and interest. They became dependent on money-lenders and traders and often lost their land. Even with soft loans from government agencies, growing subsistence crops gave way to the production of cash crops.5
Since decades the same interests including the Rockefeller Foundation which backed the initial Green Revolution, have worked to promote a second ‘Gene Revolution’ as Rockefeller Foundation President Gordon Conway termed it several years ago, the spread of industrial agriculture and commercial inputs including GMO patented seeds.
Gates, Rockefeller and a Green Revolution in Africa
With the true background of the 1950’s Rockefeller Foundation Green Revolution clear in mind, it becomes especially curious that the same Rockefeller Foundation along with the Gates Foundation which are now investing millions of dollars in preserving every seed against a possible “doomsday” scenario are also investing millions in a project called The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa.
AGRA, as it calls itself, is an alliance again with the same Rockefeller Foundation which created the “Gene Revolution.” A look at the AGRA Board of Directors confirms this.
It includes none other than former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan as chairman. In his acceptance speech in a World Economic Forum event in Cape Town South Africa in June 2007, Kofi Annan stated, ‘I accept this challenge with gratitude to the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and all others who support our African campaign.’
In addition the AGRA board numbers a South African, Strive Masiyiwa who is a Trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation. It includes Sylvia M. Mathews of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Mamphela Ramphele, former Managing Director of the World Bank (2000 – 2006); Rajiv J. Shah of the Gates Foundation; Nadya K. Shmavonian of the Rockefeller Foundation; Roy Steiner of the Gates Foundation. In addition, an Alliance for AGRA includes Gary Toenniessen the Managing Director of the Rockefeller Foundation and Akinwumi Adesina, Associate Director, Rockefeller Foundation.
To fill out the lineup, the Programmes for AGRA includes Peter Matlon, Managing Director, Rockefeller Foundation; Joseph De Vries, Director of the Programme for Africa’s Seed Systems and Associate Director, Rockefeller foundation; Akinwumi Adesina, Associate Director, Rockefeller Foundation. Like the old failed Green Revolution in India and Mexico, the new Africa Green Revolution is clearly a high priority of the Rockefeller Foundation.
While to date they are keeping a low profile, Monsanto and the major GMO agribusiness giants are believed at the heart of using Kofi Annan’s AGRA to spread their patented GMO seeds across Africa under the deceptive label, ‘bio-technology,’ the new euphemism for genetically engineered patented seeds. To date South Africa is the only African country permitting legal planting of GMO crops. In 2003 Burkina Faso authorized GMO trials. In 2005 Kofi Annan’s Ghana drafted bio-safety legislation and key officials expressed their intentions to pursue research into GMO crops.
Africa is the next target in the US-government campaign to spread GMO worldwide. Its rich soils make it an ideal candidate. Not surprisingly many African governments suspect the worst from the GMO sponsors as a multitude of genetic engineering and biosafety projects have been initiated in Africa, with the aim of introducing GMOs into Africa’s agricultural systems. These include sponsorships offered by the US government to train African scientists in genetic engineering in the US, biosafety projects funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the World Bank; GMO research involving African indigenous food crops.
The Rockefeller Foundation has been working for years to promote, largely without success, projects to introduce GMOs into the fields of Africa. They have backed research that supports the applicability of GMO cotton in the Makhathini Flats in South Africa.
Monsanto, who has a strong foothold in South Africa’s seed industry, both GMO and hybrid, has conceived of an ingenious smallholders’ programme known as the ‘Seeds of Hope’ Campaign, which is introducing a green revolution package to small scale poor farmers, followed, of course, by Monsanto’s patented GMO seeds. 6
Syngenta AG of Switzerland, one of the ‘Four Horsemen of the GMO Apocalypse’ is pouring millions of dollars into a new greenhouse facility in Nairobi, to develop GMO insect resistant maize. Syngenta is a part of CGIAR as well.7
Move on to Svalbard
Now is it simply philosophical sloppiness? What leads the Gates and Rockefeller foundations to at one and the same time to back proliferation of patented and soon-to-be Terminator patented seeds across Africa, a process which, as it has in every other place on earth, destroys the plant seed varieties as monoculture industrialized agribusiness is introduced? At the same time they invest tens of millions of dollars to preserve every seed variety known in a bomb-proof doomsday vault near the remote Arctic Circle ‘so that crop diversity can be conserved for the future’ to restate their official release?
It is no accident that the Rockefeller and Gates foundations are teaming up to push a GMO-style Green Revolution in Africa at the same time they are quietly financing the ‘doomsday seed vault’ on Svalbard. The GMO agribusiness giants are up to their ears in the Svalbard project.
Indeed, the entire Svalbard enterprise and the people involved call up the worst catastrophe images of the Michael Crichton bestseller, Andromeda Strain, a sci-fi thriller where a deadly disease of extraterrestrial origin causes rapid, fatal clotting of the blood threatening the entire human species. In Svalbard, the future world’s most secure seed repository will be guarded by the policemen of the GMO Green Revolution–the Rockefeller and Gates Foundations, Syngenta, DuPont and CGIAR.
The Svalbard project will be run by an organization called the Global Crop Diversity Trust (GCDT). Who are they to hold such an awesome trust over the planet’s entire seed varieties? The GCDT was founded by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and Bioversity International (formerly the International Plant Genetic Research Institute), an offshoot of the CGIAR.
The Global Crop Diversity Trust is based in Rome. Its Board is chaired by Margaret Catley-Carlson a Canadian also on the advisory board of Group Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux, one of the world’s largest private water companies. Catley-Carlson was also president until 1998 of the New York-based Population Council, John D. Rockefeller’s population reduction organization, set up in 1952 to advance the Rockefeller family’s eugenics program under the cover of promoting “family planning,” birth control devices, sterilization and “population control” in developing countries.
Other GCDT board members include former Bank of America executive presently head of the Hollywood DreamWorks Animation, Lewis Coleman. Coleman is also the lead Board Director of Northrup Grumman Corporation, one of America’s largest military industry Pentagon contractors.
Jorio Dauster (Brazil) is also Board Chairman of Brasil Ecodiesel. He is a former Ambassador of Brazil to the European Union, and Chief Negotiator of Brazil’s foreign debt for the Ministry of Finance. Dauster has also served as President of the Brazilian Coffee Institute and as Coordinator of the Project for the Modernization of Brazil’s Patent System, which involves legalizing patents on seeds which are genetically modified, something until recently forbidden by Brazil’s laws.
Cary Fowler is the Trust’s Executive Director. Fowler was Professor and Director of Research in the Department for International Environment & Development Studies at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. He was also a Senior Advisor to the Director General of Bioversity International. There he represented the Future Harvest Centres of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) in negotiations on the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources. In the 1990s, he headed the International Program on Plant Genetic Resources at the FAO. He drafted and supervised negotiations of FAO’s Global Plan of Action for Plant Genetic Resources, adopted by 150 countries in 1996. He is a past-member of the National Plant Genetic Resources Board of the US and the Board of Trustees of the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center in Mexico, another Rockefeller Foundation and CGIAR project.
GCDT board member Dr. Mangala Rai of India is the Secretary of India’s Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE), and Director General of the Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR). He is also a Board Member of the Rockefeller Foundation’s International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), which promoted the world’s first major GMO experiment, the much-hyped ‘Golden Rice’ which proved a failure. Rai has served as Board Member for CIMMYT (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center), and a Member of the Executive Council of the CGIAR.
Global Crop Diversity Trust Donors or financial angels include as well, in the words of the Humphrey Bogart Casablanca classic, ‘all the usual suspects.’ As well as the Rockefeller and Gates Foundations, the Donors include GMO giants DuPont-Pioneer Hi-Bred, Syngenta of Basle Switzerland, CGIAR and the State Department’s energetically pro-GMO agency for development aid, USAID. Indeed it seems we have the GMO and population reduction foxes guarding the hen-house of mankind, the global seed diversity store in Svalbard. 8
Why now Svalbard?
We can legitimately ask why Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation along with the major genetic engineering agribusiness giants such as DuPont and Syngenta, along with CGIAR are building the Doomsday Seed Vault in the Arctic.
Who uses such a seed bank in the first place? Plant breeders and researchers are the major users of gene banks. Today’s largest plant breeders are Monsanto, DuPont, Syngenta and Dow Chemical, the global plant-patenting GMO giants. Since early in 2007 Monsanto holds world patent rights together with the United States Government for plant so-called ‘Terminator’ or Genetic Use Restriction Technology (GURT). Terminator is an ominous technology by which a patented commercial seed commits ‘suicide’ after one harvest. Control by private seed companies is total. Such control and power over the food chain has never before in the history of mankind existed.
This clever genetically engineered terminator trait forces farmers to return every year to Monsanto or other GMO seed suppliers to get new seeds for rice, soybeans, corn, wheat whatever major crops they need to feed their population. If broadly introduced around the world, it could within perhaps a decade or so make the world’s majority of food producers new feudal serfs in bondage to three or four giant seed companies such as Monsanto or DuPont or Dow Chemical.
That, of course, could also open the door to have those private companies, perhaps under orders from their host government, Washington, deny seeds to one or another developing country whose politics happened to go against Washington’s. Those who say ‘It can’t happen here’ should look more closely at current global events. The mere existence of that concentration of power in three or four private US-based agribusiness giants is grounds for legally banning all GMO crops even were their harvest gains real, which they manifestly are not.
These private companies, Monsanto, DuPont, Dow Chemical hardly have an unsullied record in terms of stewardship of human life. They developed and proliferated such innovations as dioxin, PCBs, Agent Orange. They covered up for decades clear evidence of carcinogenic and other severe human health consequences of use of the toxic chemicals. They have buried serious scientific reports that the world’s most widespread herbicide, glyphosate, the essential ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide that is tied to purchase of most Monsanto genetically engineered seeds, is toxic when it seeps into drinking water.9 Denmark banned glyphosate in 2003 when it confirmed it has contaminated the country’s groundwater.10
The diversity stored in seed gene banks is the raw material for plant breeding and for a great deal of basic biological research. Several hundred thousand samples are distributed annually for such purposes. The UN’s FAO lists some 1400 seed banks around the world, the largest being held by the United States Government. Other large banks are held by China, Russia, Japan, India, South Korea, Germany and Canada in descending order of size. In addition, CGIAR operates a chain of seed banks in select centers around the world.
CGIAR, set up in 1972 by the Rockefeller Foundation and Ford Foundation to spread their Green Revolution agribusiness model, controls most of the private seed banks from the Philippines to Syria to Kenya. In all these present seed banks hold more than six and a half million seed varieties, almost two million of which are ‘distinct.’ Svalbard’s Doomsday Vault will have a capacity to house four and a half million different seeds.
GMO as a weapon of biowarfare?
Now we come to the heart of the danger and the potential for misuse inherent in the Svalbard project of Bill Gates and the Rockefeller foundation. Can the development of patented seeds for most of the world’s major sustenance crops such as rice, corn, wheat, and feed grains such as soybeans ultimately be used in a horrible form of biological warfare?
The explicit aim of the eugenics lobby funded by wealthy elite families such as Rockefeller, Carnegie, Harriman and others since the 1920’s, has embodied what they termed ‘negative eugenics,’ the systematic killing off of undesired bloodlines. Margaret Sanger, a rapid eugenicist, the founder of Planned Parenthood International and an intimate of the Rockefeller family, created something called The Negro Project in 1939, based in Harlem, which as she confided in a letter to a friend, was all about the fact that, as she put it, ‘we want to exterminate the Negro population.’ 11
A small California biotech company, Epicyte, in 2001 announced the development of genetically engineered corn which contained a spermicide which made the semen of men who ate it sterile. At the time Epicyte had a joint venture agreement to spread its technology with DuPont and Syngenta, two of the sponsors of the Svalbard Doomsday Seed Vault. Epicyte was since acquired by a North Carolina biotech company. Astonishing to learn was that Epicyte had developed its spermicidal GMO corn with research funds from the US Department of Agriculture, the same USDA which, despite worldwide opposition, continued to finance the development of Terminator technology, now held by Monsanto.
In the 1990’s the UN’s World Health Organization launched a campaign to vaccinate millions of women in Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines between the ages of 15 and 45, allegedly against Tentanus, a sickness arising from such things as stepping on a rusty nail. The vaccine was not given to men or boys, despite the fact they are presumably equally liable to step on rusty nails as women.
Because of that curious anomaly, Comite Pro Vida de Mexico, a Roman Catholic lay organization became suspicious and had vaccine samples tested. The tests revealed that the Tetanus vaccine being spread by the WHO only to women of child-bearing age contained human Chorionic Gonadotrophin or hCG, a natural hormone which when combined with a tetanus toxoid carrier stimulated antibodies rendering a woman incapable of maintaining a pregnancy. None of the women vaccinated were told.
It later came out that the Rockefeller Foundation along with the Rockefeller’s Population Council, the World Bank (home to CGIAR), and the United States’ National Institutes of Health had been involved in a 20-year-long project begun in 1972 to develop the concealed abortion vaccine with a tetanus carrier for WHO. In addition, the Government of Norway, the host to the Svalbard Doomsday Seed Vault, donated $41 million to develop the special abortive Tetanus vaccine. 12
Is it a coincidence that these same organizations, from Norway to the Rockefeller Foundation to the World Bank are also involved in the Svalbard seed bank project? According to Prof. Francis Boyle who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 enacted by the US Congress, the Pentagon is ‘now gearing up to fight and win biological warfare’ as part of two Bush national strategy directives adopted, he notes, ‘without public knowledge and review’ in 2002. Boyle adds that in 2001-2004 alone the US Federal Government spent $14.5 billion for civilian bio-warfare-related work, a staggering sum.
Rutgers University biologist Richard Ebright estimates that over 300 scientific institutions and some 12,000 individuals in the USA today have access to pathogens suitable for biowarfare. Alone there are 497 US Government NIH grants for research into infectious diseases with biowarfare potential. Of course this is being justified under the rubric of defending against possible terror attack as so much is today.
Many of the US Government dollars spent on biowarfare research involve genetic engineering. MIT biology professor Jonathan King says that the ‘growing bio-terror programs represent a significant emerging danger to our own population.’ King adds, ‘while such programs are always called defensive, with biological weapons, defensive and offensive programs overlap almost completely.’ 13
Time will tell whether, God Forbid, the Svalbard Doomsday Seed Bank of Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation is part of another Final Solution, this involving the extinction of the Late, Great Planet Earth.
1 F. William Engdahl, Seeds of Destruction, Montreal, (Global Research, 2007).
2 Ibid, pp.72-90.
3 John H. Davis, Harvard Business Review, 1956, cited in Geoffrey Lawrence, Agribusiness, Capitalism and the Countryside, Pluto Press, Sydney, 1987. See also Harvard Business School, The Evolution of an Industry and a Seminar: Agribusiness Seminar,
4 Engdahl, op cit., p. 130.
5 Ibid. P. 123-30.
6 Myriam Mayet, The New Green Revolution in Africa: Trojan Horse for GMOs?, May, 2007, African Centre for Biosafety,
7 ETC Group, Green Revolution 2.0 for Africa?, Communique Issue #94, March/April 2007.
8 Global Crop Diversity Trust website, in
9 Engdahl, op. cit., pp.227-236.
10 Anders Legarth Smith, Denmark Bans Glyphosates, the Active Ingredient in Roundup, Politiken, September 15, 2003, in
11 Tanya L. Green, The Negro Project: Margaret Sanger’s Genocide Project for Black American’s, in
12 Engdahl, op. cit., pp. 273-275; J.A. Miller, Are New Vaccines Laced With Birth-Control Drugs?, HLI Reports, Human Life International, Gaithersburg, Maryland; June/July 1995, Volume 13, Number 8.
13 Sherwood Ross, Bush Developing Illegal Bioterror Weapons for Offensive Use,’ December 20, 2006, in
Suomen valtioneuvosto on antanut vuonna 2013 asetuksen, jolla leipäviljojen varmuusvarastoja alennetaan puolenvuoden elintarvikekäyttöä vastaavaksi, kun tähän saakka varastot ovat kattaneet koko vuoden tarpeet. 

Suomen leipäviljan varmuusvarastoja ajetaan alas

Suomen valtioneuvosto on antanut vuonna 2013 asetuksen, jolla leipäviljojen varmuusvarastoja alennetaan puolenvuoden elintarvikekäyttöä vastaavaksi, kun tähän saakka varastot ovat kattaneet koko vuoden tarpeet. 

Päätös tuli voimaan heti ja sen mukaan Suomen viljavarastojen pienentäminen tulee hoitaa vuoden 2016 loppuun mennessä.

Viljojen varmuusvarastojen koko ja arvo eivät ole julkista tietoa. 

Siemenviljan ehtoja tiukennettiin samalla, niin että jatkossa varastoissa pidetään vain sertifioitua siemenviljaa, kun tähän asti mukana on ollut myös lajikkeellista viljaa.

Päätös on tullut voimaan heti ja sen mukaan Suomen viljavarastojen pienentäminen tulee hoitaa vuoden 2016 loppuun mennessä.

Viljojen varmuusvarastojen koko ja arvo eivät ole julkista tietoa. 

Siemenviljan ehtoja tiukennettiin samalla, niin että jatkossa varastoissa pidetään vain sertifioitua siemenviljaa, kun tähän asti mukana on ollut myös lajikkeellista viljaa.
Ei tarvitse olla ennustaja jos lähtee etsimään, että mistä suunnalta nämä järjettömät pakkouudistukset ollaan tänne suomeenkin tuotu väkisin. Sieltä ne on tämän syöpäläisen elintarvikejättikorporaatio Monsanton taholta lyöty tiskiin ja ei annettu vaihtoehtoja. Vain harvat maat kuten Unkari on uskaltanut pistää tälle ruoanmyrkytysjärjestölle kampoihin mm. polttamalla useita peltoja, jossa kasvatettiin monsanton määräämää geenimanipulaatiomaissia. Monsanton suuria rahoittajia ja tukijoita on microsoftin pääjohtaja Bill Gates. Jos hän kerta kannattaa elintarvikkeiden laajamittaista geenimanipulointia sekä rokotusteollisuutta, niin tämän hyväntekeväisyyskulissin takana löytyy kokonaisen väestön eliminoinnin depopulaatiohanke, jota Gates tukee täysin. Hän on jopa itse sanonut TEDx tiedekonferenssissa, että "jos saamme tehtyä tarpeeksi hyvää työtä rokotteiden valmistuksessa, niin maailman väestön määrää saadaan laskettua useita miljardeja seuraavien kymmenien vuosien aikana".

Leipäviljan varmuusvarastoja ajetaan alas

09.12 16:22 Kommenteja: 7
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Varastojen tyhjentäminen luvataan hoitaa normaalin varastokierrätyksen kautta ilman, että siitä aiheutuu häiriöitä viljamarkkinoille. Aikaa on kolme vuotta.
Valtioneuvosto antoi torstaina asetuksen, jolla leipäviljojen varmuusvarastoja alennetaan puolen vuoden elintarvikekäyttöä vastaavaksi, kun tähän saakka varastot ovat kattaneet koko vuoden tarpeet. Päätös tuli voimaan saman tien.
Huoltovarmuuskeskus hoitaa varastojen pienentämisen normaalin varastojen kierrättämisen yhteydessä. Varmuusvarastojen koko ja arvo eivät ole julkista tietoa.
Tiken tuoreimman viljataseen mukaan leipävehnää käytettiin satokaudella 2012–2013 elintarvikkeeksi 257 miljoonaa ja ruista 94 miljoonaa kiloa.
Varmuusvarastojen pienentäminen tulee hoitaa vuoden 2016 loppuun mennessä. Pitkällä ajalla halutaan varmistaa, ettei purkaminen häiritse viljamarkkinoita. Varastojen purku lisää vehnän tarjontaa vuosittain karkeasti 40 miljoonaa kiloa ja rukiin vajaat parikymmentä miljoonaa kiloa.
Varastojen purkamisesta kertyvät tulot päätyvät valtion kassaan, toteaa kaupallinen neuvos Tomi Lounema työ- ja elinkeinoministeriöstä.
Siemenviljan ehtoja tiukennettiin samalla niin, että varastossa pidetään vain sertifioitua siemenviljaa. Tähän asti mukana on ollut myös lajikkeellista viljaa, Lounema sanoo.
Veikko Niittymaa
New World Order on oven takana. Kohta meilläkin on kaikki geenimanipuloitua jotta kyseisten ihmisten depopulaatio -hanke toteutuu.
Kirjoittanut suututtaa, 10 joulukuu 2013 21:39
Hieman tutkivampaa journalismia kaivattais: miksi näin on toimittu? kuka tarkalleen ottaen on ollut aloitteen takana? PERUSTELUT tälle todella oudolle päätökselle?!?!
Kirjoittanut Hoomoilanen, 10 joulukuu 2013 16:06
Nälkä on oven takana. Ei tarvita kuin pari huonoa satokautta niin jo kurnii suolistossa. Yltäkylläisyydessä elänyt valtaa pitävä sukupolvi kuvittelee, että ruokaa voi aina tuoda, jos oma sato epäonnistuu. Samanaikaisesti kuin ajetaan alas varmuusvarastoja, hävitetään kotimaista kuljetuskapasiteettia. Keskinkertaisuudet päättävät asioistamme. Epäpätevät ja vailla asiaankuuluvaa koulutusta olevat ministerit rakastavat pönöttämistä kuvissa unionin kerman kanssa ja laiminlyövät omaan maan asioiden hoidon. Poliitikoilla on aina ollut kujeensa, mutta ikävä tulee Virolaisen Jussin ja Tannerin tapaisia valtiomiehiä, joilla oli näkemystä ja selkärankaa. Sellainen löytyy nykyään urpilaisilta, lindtmaneilta ja kataisilta housunpersauksista.
Kirjoittanut skinnyharry, 10 joulukuu 2013 13:14
Ei tarvita kuin yksi iso tulivuorenpurkaus Islannissa
kuulemma vuorenvarmasti
väliajoin.Siinäpä koko
Euroopan taivas pimenee ja kylmyys
saapuu sitten
huomataan että voi voi olispa nyt viiden
varmuusvarastot.Eisiis tarvita
ydin-eikä muitakaan sotia,luonto
välillä tekee mitä lystää.
Kirjoittanut sinttu, 10 joulukuu 2013 11:34
Viimeisistä katovuosista on aikaa vain 150 vuotta ja silloin Snellman jäi syyttelemään itseään siitä, ettei huolehtinut paremmin kansan viljavarastoista. Nyt siis kaikkitietävä hallitus on päättänyt, että katovuoden sattuessa seuraava sato saadaan puolen vuoden päästä edellisestä. On meillä osaava hallitus, kun pystyy laittamaan vuodenajatkin uusiksi. Yksi iso tulivuorenpurkaus pystyy laittamaan ilmaston niin sekaisin, että puolen vuoden varasto ei riitä yhtään mihinkään. Lukekaa hyvät ihmiset historiaa.
Kirjoittanut Markku Oinonen, 10 joulukuu 2013 10:57
Eräs kansanedustaja totesi vaalikiertueellaan, että vaikka nämä angrybirdit tuovat rahaa, niin paha niitä hädän tullen on pataan laittaa. Perusasiat, kuten elintarpeiden riittävyyden turvaaminen, ovat täysin hukassa tämän sukupolven päättäjiltä. Ei ruokaa tarvitse varastoida, kun sitä saa kaupasta! Uskokaa tai älkää, niin varmuusvarastointivastuu siirretään lakisääteisesti tuottajille. Sota-aikanakin elintarvikkeiden luovutusta tiloilta valvottiin ja sanktioitiin raskaasti, jos kilokin lipsahti väärään paikkaan!
Kirjoittanut mettänpörhö, 10 joulukuu 2013 09:11
Historian tuntemus on siis päättäjiltämme täysin kadoksissa? Varmuusvarastojen vaihto kasvavaan ulkomaanvelkaan ja kehitysapuun ja Kreikan salattuihin vakuuksiin lienee teko, jonka idioottikansa varmaan vaaleissa saadaan muistamaan hyvänä tekona.
Kirjoittanut Kuolkaa nälkään kurjat, 9 joulukuu 2013 17:04
EU-lakiesitys saattaisi johtaa siihen, että viljelijöitä ja kotipuutarhureita kiellettäisiin säästämästä omia perinnesiemeniään sekä myymästä, jakamasta ja lahjoittamasta niitä eteenpäin. Mitään siemeniä ei saisi ostaa, myydä, vaihtaa, jakaa tai lahjoittaa, ilman EU:n ´hyväksytty´ merkintää.
Toimittaja: Riikka Söyring
EU:n uusi siemenlaki uhkaa perinneviljelyä ja suosii agriteollisuuden jättiläisiä
Euroopan parlamentti ja Euroopan neuvosto ovat ottamassa 6. toukokuuta 2013 käsittelyyn lakiluonnoksen (Plant Reproductive Material, PRM), jossa säädettäisiin maatiaiskasvien tallettamisesta siemeninä, solukkoina ja muuna vastaavana pelkästään pakkasvarastoihin, tiedottaa Maatiainen ry.
Jo nykyinen siemenkauppalaki rajoittaa maatiaiskasvien ja siementen käyttöä monin tavoin. Lakiuudistus ei huomioi riittävän hyvin kuluttajien vapautta valita haluamiaan siemeniä.
Koko EU ei ole hankkeen kannalla. Hanketta ajaa lakiluonnoksen laatinut DG SANCO (EU:n terveys- ja kuluttaja-asiain virasto) sekä joukko kaupallisia, lajikkeiden jalostamista harjoittavia yrityksiä kuten AstraZeneca, Monsanto ja Bayer.
Lakiesitystä vastustavat maatalousvirasto DG AGRI sekä ympäristövirasto DG ENVI.
Nykyisen lakiesityksen laatimista johtanut Isabelle Clément-Nissou työskenteli ennen DG SANCO:a yksityisessä, kaupallisessa siementeollisuuden lobbausorganisaatiossa Groupement National Interprofessionnel des Semences (GNIS) kansainvälisten suhteiden johtajana syyskuuhun 2011. Tämä on vastoin EU:n omia säädöksiä eturistiriitoja aiheuttavista tilanteista.
Käytännössä uusi lakiesitys saattaisi johtaa siihen, että viljelijöitä ja kotipuutarhureita kiellettäisiin säästämästä omia perinnesiemeniään sekä myymästä, jakamasta ja lahjoittamasta niitä eteenpäin.
Lakiesityksen tultua hyväksytyksi mitään siemeniä ei saisi ostaa, myydä, vaihtaa, jakaa tai lahjoittaa, jos siemenillä ei ole EU:n kasvirekisterissä ´hyväksytty´ merkintää.
Hyväksyttyjen kasvien tulee täyttää joukko kriteerejä, jotka on määritelty teollisuusviljelyyn sopivien modernien hybridilajikkeiden pohjalta. Monet kotiviljelyssä olevat perinnesiemenlajikkeet muuttuisivat laittomiksi.
Lajikkeiden testaaminen ja rekisteröiminen maksaa. Lajikkeen pitämisestä rekisterilistalla veloitetaan vuotuinen maksu.
Maatiaslajikkeet ovat vuosituhantisen, perheviljelmillä tapahtuneen jalostamisen ja ympäristöolosuhteisiin sopeutumisen tuote, ja niiden katsotaan kuuluvan yhteiseen perintöön. Agribisnesjättien kannalta ilmeisesti tämä juuri onkin se kipukohta, koska se estää patentoimasta maatiaiskasveja tai niiden ominaisuuksia.
Maatiaiskasveja tarvitaan biodiversiteetin, luonnon monimuotoisuuden takia.
Koti- ja harrastajapuutarhureille uusi lakiesitys tarjoaa "hyvityksenä" määräajan, jonka puitteissa rekisteröidä siemeniään "alennettuun hintaan".
Maatiaiskasvilla tarkoitetaan monimuotoisesta populaatiosta luonnonvalinnan ja ihmisen toiminnan yhteisvaikutuksesta syntyneitä, korkean viljelyvarmuuden viljely- ja koristekasvin muotoja, joilla on pitkän ajan kuluessa valikoitunut kyky sietää bioottista (sairaudet, loiset) ja abioottista (kylmyys, kuivuus, ravinneköyhyys) stressiä, Maatiainen ry selvittää.
"Maatiaiskasvit eivät ole lajikkeita, joita nykyinenkin siemenlainsäädäntö useiden merkittävien kasvien osalta vaatii rekisteröitäväksi DUS-sääntöjen mukaisesti (Distinctness, Uniformity ja Stability). Nämä kriteerit vaativat siemenpopulaatiolta mm. yhdenmukaisuutta (uniqueness), joka on suoraan monimuotoisuuden vastakohta.
Lisäksi lajikkeen vakauden (stability) vaatimus estää siemenpopulaation muuntelun ja muuttumisen reaktiona ympäristön muuttumiseen.
Maatiaiskasvien kasvatusta ja hyödyntämistä tarvitaan tulevaisuudessakin suurituottoisten lajikkeiden rinnalla sekä kestävän kehityksen takaavana vaihtoehtona. Kotitarveviljely ja siihen soveltuvat paikalliset, monimuotoiset kasvit ja -eläimet auttavat ihmisiä selviämään taloudellisesti vaikeina aikoina",
kirjoittaa Maatiainen ry talouskomissaari Olli Rehnille lähettämässään kirjeessä.
"Siementen rekisteröintivaatimusten tiukentaminen johtaa maatiaiskasvien siementen saatavuuden vaikeutumiseen, osittain jopa siementen kieltämiseen ja geneettisen monimuotoisuuden romahtamiseen", Maatiainen ry:sta todetaan.
"Maatiaiskasvien hyödyntämiseen pitäisi kaikilla olla yhtäläiset oikeudet. Maatiaiskasvien viljeleminen elävissä geenipankeissa, siementen vapaa liikkuvuus, vaihto ja välitys tulisi olla sallittua."
Lakiesityksen hyväksymisen voidaan olettaa johtavan moneen seurausvaikutukseen kuten historiallisesti kiinnostavien kasvilajikkeiden katoamiseen, siementuotannon ja kasvijalostuksen entistä suurempaan monopolisoitumiseen ja sitä kautta viljelijöiden köyhtymiseen. Myös viljeltyjen ruoka-aineiden lajikevalikoima pienenee ja sen kautta kuluttajan valinnanmahdollisuudet päättää siitä, mitä hän haluaa syödä.
Lakiesitys ei myöskään ole linjassa EU:n vapaakauppapyrkimysten, vapaan kilpailun saati biodiversiteetin säilytyspyrkimysten kanssa. Sen sijaan se hyödyttäisi suuresti Monsanton tapaisia agribisnesjättejä, joiden markkinaosuus on jo muutenkin 60 prosenttia maailman siemenkaupasta.
Lakia vastustavia addresseja: 
Arch Noah 
Seed Sovereignty 
Maatiainen ry 
Viljelykasvien monimuotoisuus turvattava
EU-lakiluonnoksessa uhattuna harvinaisten viljelykasvien tulevaisuus
Tilanne on erittäin kriittinen maatiaiskasvien elinvoimaisina ja käyttökelpoisina säilymisen kannalta tämänkertaisen siemenkauppalakiluonnoksen (Plant Reproductive Material, PRM) mennessä EU-komission äänestykseen. Ympäristö- ja maatalousasioista vastaavat komission pääosastot vastustavat lakiluonnoksen hyväksymistä sellaisena kun se nyt on sen maatalouden ja ympäristön biodiversiteetille haitallisten seurausten johdosta. Lakiluonnoksen laatinut terveys- ja kuluttaja-asioista vastaava pääosasto (SANCO) vetoaa terveys- ja turvallisuusnäkökulmiin.
Siementen rekisteröintivaatimusten tiukentaminen johtaa maatiaiskasvien siementen saatavuuden vaikeutumiseen, osittain jopa siementen kieltämiseen ja geneettisen monimuotoisuuden romahtamiseen. Jos EU-komission äänestyksessä hyväksytään luonnos, se jatkaa edelleen Euroopan parlamentin ja ministerineuvoston käsittelyyn. Äänestys luonnoksesta pidetään 6.5., jolloin asiasta äänestää myös Olli Rehn Euroopan komissiossa.
Jo nykyinen siemenkauppalaki rajoittaa maatiaiskasvien ja siementen käyttöä monin tavoin. Lakiuudistuksessa tulisi paremmin huomioida kuluttajien vapaudet valita haluamiaan siemeniä.
Maatiaiskasvit ovat syntyneet ihmisen luomien viljelysjärjestelmien ja luonnonvalinnan yhteisvaikutuksesta. Maatiaiskasvi on kasvin muoto, jolla on pitkän ajan kuluessa valikoitunut kyky sietää bioottista (sairaudet, loiset) ja abioottista (kylmyys, kuivuus, ravinneköyhyys) stressiä, mikä tekee niistä varmoja viljeltäviä sekä takaa keskinkertaiseen sadon vaatimattomassakin viljelyjärjestelmässä. Siemenestä lisättävät maatiaiskasvit ovat tyypillisesti geneettisesti monimuotoisia populaatioita. Kasvinjalostuksessa tunnistetaan lähinnä maatiaiskasvien geenivara-arvo uusien lajikkeiden kehittämisessä, mutta maatiaiskasvien tallettaminen pelkästään siemeninä, solukkoina tai muilla tavoin pitkäaikaisiin pakkasvarastoihin estäisi vähitellen näiden kasvikantojen luonnollisen sopeutumisen muuttuviin ympäristöolosuhteisiin.
Maatiaiskasvien kestävyys ja vaatimattomuus (low input agriculture) tarjoavat innovaatiomahdollisuuksia pienimuotoisessa maataloudessa tilanteessa, jossa on otettava huomioon ilmastonmuutos ja energiavarojen riittävyys. Ne sopivat kotipuutarhureille, harrastajaviljelijöille ja luomuviljelyyn. Maatiaiskasvit vastakohtanaan tekijänoikeuksia sisältävät kaupalliset, jalostetut kasvit; ovat julkinen hyödyke ja verrattavissa julkisiin kirjastoihin ja tieteelliseen perustutkimukseen. Kotiseudullaan niillä on usein myös erityistä kulttuurista arvoa.
Maatiaiskasvien hyödyntämiseen pitäisi kaikilla olla yhtäläiset oikeudet. Maatiaiskasvien viljeleminen elävissä geenipankeissa, siementen vapaa liikkuvuus, vaihto ja välitys tulisi olla sallittua.
Maatiaiskasvien kasvatusta ja hyödyntämistä tarvitaan suurituottoisten lajikkeiden rinnalla ja kestävän kehityksen takaavana vaihtoehtona. Kotitarveviljely ja siihen hyvin soveltuvat paikalliset, monimuotoiset kasvit ja auttavat ihmisiä selviämään taloudellisesti vaikeina aikoina. Puutarhanhoidolla ja siementen kasvatuksella on merkittäviä terveyttä, henkistä hyvinvointia ja työkykyä ylläpitäviä vaikutuksia.
Olemme ottaneet siemenlakiluonnoksesta yhteyttä Suomen edustajiin Euroopan parlamentissa ja komissiossa.
Haluamme adressilla osoittaa, että pidämme maatalouden ja puutarhojen geenivarojen säilyttämistä tärkeänä. Allekirjoita vetoomus herättääksemme päättäjät.
Asia on näyttävästi esillä myös muissa EU-maissa tällä hetkellä, esim. Saksassa ja Itävallassa:
Lobbaustoimintaa kriittisesti tutkiva kansalaisjärjestö Corporate Europe Observatory -sivustolla on viesti europarlamentille ja Euroopan neuvostolle, jonka kautta voi ilmoittaa, ettei tule noudattamaan kyseistä lakia
Pääasialliset lähteet:
Lakiluonnos Draft on plant reproductive materials
(Luonnoksen yhteenveto ei täsmää varsinaisen lakitekstin sisällön kanssa. Lukeminen kannattanee aloittaa 25. artiklasta)
Corporate Europe Observatory: Open letter on the conflicts of interest with the seed industry of a national expert seconded to DG SANCO
Maatiainen ry: Kirje talouskomissaari Olli Rehnille
Maatiainen ry: lehdistötiedote:
We will not comply with the EU seed ban
Tällä hetkellä Rockefellerin omistamien eri korporaatioiden patentoidut myrkkyä kestävät GMO siemenet ovat odottamassa nyt vain sitä hetkeä, jolloin maaperä on valmis niitä varten.
Ja kun Rockefellerin Monsanto on kaikkialla ja sitten se ainut vahvistettu normi kaikkialla maailmassa, ja kyseiset heidän patentoimansa myrkkyjä kestävät GMO siemenet ovat Monsanton omistuksessa ja heidän omaisuuttaan, niin Rockefellerit voivat kerätä rojaltit kaikilta ihmisiltä, koska mikään muu siemen ei elä enää lentokoneista ruiskutetussa myrkytetyssä myrkkymaaperässä.
Sen jälkeen jokainen ihminen, joka vielä silloin elää sairauksissaan, jotka ovat tulleet Rockefellereiden juonimista kemikaali ja raskasmetalli ja muista ihmiskunnalle myrkyllisistä myrkytyslennoista, on riippuvainen
Rockefellereiden patentoimista myrkkyä kestävistä GMO siemenistä, koska ainoastaan myrkkyjä kestävä GMO siemen voi kasvaa vain lentokoneista ruiskutetussa myrkyssä myrkytetyssä myrkkymaaperässä.
Myrkkyjä sietävistä patentoiduista GMO siemenistä saatava sato on tosin ihmisille myrkyllistä, mutta mikään muu siemen ei kasva lentokoneista tehdyistä myrkkyruiskutuksilla myrkytetyssä myrkkymaaperässä.
Sitten kun Rockefellerit valvovat ja kontrolloivat patentoimiaan ihmisille myrkyllistä satoa tuottavaa GMO siementä, niin Rockefellerit valvovat ruokaa ja ruoan tuotantoa maan päällä, mutta tätä sinä et vielä tiedä etkä saa tietää etkä vielä ymmärrä, mutta Rockefellerit tietävät sen - se on Rockefellereiden strategia päästäkseen hyötymään sinusta ja myös lopulta tuhotakseen sinut, jos ymmärrät?
Se on tehokkaampi strategia kuin ydinase.
Se on tehokkaampi strategia kuin pommit.
Se on tehokkaampi strategia kuin mitkään aseet.
Tämä on perkeleellisin tapa hallita maailman väestöä.
Tämä on sitä Rockefelleriä parhaimmillaan.
Oletko iloinen tästä heidän suunnitelmastaan?
Katso tämä, niin alat ymmärtää asioita vähän paremmin.
 Analysis of "Transhumanism: A Grimoire of Alchemical Agendas" by authors Dr. Joseph P. Farrell and Dr. Scott D. de Hart chapter outlining the nexus between the Rockefeller dynasty's quest for Eugenics and their attempt to control the food supply. The Population Council, founded by John D. Rockefeller III, was a powerful vehicle to bring family planning -- population control using "wanted children" as a banner for eugenics -- to the developing world in the post-War era while Nelson Rockefeller would play a significant role in consolidating agriculture and increasing the world food supply. John D. Rockefeller III's Agricultural Development Center would be another player.
Authors Farrell and de Hart, also citing heavily from F. William Engdahl, point not only to an agenda to keep the population in check while creating new oligarchs of global farming and seed control, but an empire -- one that the Rockefeller Foundation sketched out ahead of WWII in its sponsored Council on Foreign Relations War and Peace study that cast the United States as the new imperial giant, with the British Empire "passing the torch" and the U.S. controlling former colonies through economic schemes (i.e. World Bank, IMF, regional banks, et al.).
As if this weren't far reaching enough, the Rockefellers have also pursued genetic modification to socially engineer mankind. GMO foods were a clear goal, according to Farrell and de Hart, who claim the family "realized that 'science would eventually come to control the fundamental processes of biology' [that] those associated with 'the Rockefeller institutions saw it as the ultimate means of social control and social engineering, eugenics.' To this end, the Rockefeller Foundation invested hundreds of millions of dollars in the 1980s, both directly and indirectly, to sponsor genetic research into food crops."
Further, as "The Molecular Vision of Life: Caltech, The Rockefeller Foundation, and the Rise of the New Biology" details, the Rockefeller family funded massive genetic research at numerous university departments in the aim of mastering the "Science of Man," which would allow new applications in human contraceptives, sterilization procedures, gene targeting, endocrinology, hormonal and glandular techniques, biophysics, biochemistry and more.
 David Rockefeller plainly admits his family's involvement in bringing about One World in his Memoirs, detailing his membership and influence in global groups like the Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission. Meanwhile, other books document how the Rockefellers donated the land used to build the United Nations headquarters and helped shape into a "symbol" of a new world order.
Genetically Modfied Seeds: Monsanto is Putting Normal Seeds Out of Reach
Global Research, February 14, 2009 3 February 2009

// //
People say if farmers don’t want problems from Monsanto, just don’t buy their GMO seeds. 
Not so simple. Where are farmers supposed to get normal seed these days? How are they supposed to avoid contamination of their fields from GM-crops? How are they supposed to stop Monsanto detectives from trespassing or Monsanto from using helicopters to fly over spying on them?  
Monsanto contaminates the fields, trespasses onto the land taking samples and if they find any GMO plants growing there (or say they have), they then sue, saying they own the crop. It’s a way to make money since farmers can’t fight back and court and they settle because they have no choice. 
And they have done and are doing a bucket load of things to keep farmers and everyone else from having any access at all to buying, collecting, and saving of NORMAL seeds. 
1.  They’ve bought up the seed companies across the Midwest.
2.  They’ve written Monsanto seed laws and gotten legislators to put them through, that make cleaning, collecting and storing of seeds so onerous in terms of fees and paperwork and testing and tracking every variety and being subject to fines, that having normal seed becomes almost impossible (an NAIS approach to wiping out normal seeds). Does your state have such a seed law? Before they existed, farmers just collected the seeds and put them in sacks in the shed and used them the next year, sharing whatever they wished with friends and neighbors, selling some if they wanted. That’s been killed.
In Illinois, which has such a seed law, Madigan, the Speaker of the House, his staff is Monsanto lobbyists. 
3.  Monsanto is pushing anti-democracy laws (Vilsack’s brainchild, actually) that remove community’ control over their own counties so farmers and citizens can’t block the planting of GMO crops even if they can contaminate other crops. So if you don’t want a GM-crop that grows industrial chemicals or drugs or a rice growing with human DNA in it, in your area and mixing with your crops, tough luck.
Check the map of just where the Monsanto/Vilsack laws are and see if your state is still a democracy or is Monsanto’s. A farmer in Illinois told me he heard that Bush had pushed through some regulation that made this true in every state. People need to check on that.
4.  For sure there are Monsanto regulations buried in the FDA right now that make a farmer’s seed cleaning equipment illegal (another way to leave nothing but GM-seeds) because it’s now considered a “source of seed contamination.” Farmer can still seed clean but the equipment now has to be certified and a farmer said it would require a million to a million and half dollar building and equipment … for EACH line of seed. Seed storage facilities are also listed (another million?) and harvesting and transport equipment. And manure. Something that can contaminate seed. Notice that chemical fertilizers and pesticides are not mentioned.  
You could eat manure and be okay (a little grossed out but okay). Try that with pesticides and fertilizers. Indian farmers have. Their top choice for how to commit suicide to escape the debt they have been left in is to drink Monsanto pesticides.
5.  Monsanto is picking off seed cleaners across the Midwest. In Pilot Grove, Missouri, in Indiana (Maurice Parr), and now in southern Illinois (Steve Hixon). And they are using US marshals and state troopers and county police to show up in three cars to serve the poor farmers who had used Hixon as their seed cleaner, telling them that he or their neighbors turned them in, so across that 6 county areas, no one talking to neighbors and people are living in fear and those farming communities are falling apart from the suspicion Monsanto sowed. Hixon’s office got broken into and he thinks someone put a GPS tracking device on his equipment and that’s how Monsanto found between 200-400 customers in very scattered and remote areas, and threatened them all and destroyed his business within 2 days. 
So, after demanding that seed cleaners somehow be able to tell one seed from another (or be sued to kingdom come) or corrupting legislatures to put in laws about labeling of seeds that are so onerous no one can cope with them, what is Monsanto’s attitude about labeling their own stuff? You guessed it – they’re out there pushing laws against ANY labeling of their own GM-food and animals and of any exports to other countries. Why?   
We know and they know why. 
As Norman Braksick, the president of Asgrow Seed Co. (now owned by Monsanto) predicted in the Kansas City Star (3/7/94) seven years ago, “If you put a label on a genetically engineered food, you might as well put a skull and crossbones on it.”  
And they’ve sued dairy farmers for telling the truth about their milk being rBGH-free, though rBGH is associated with an increased risk of breast, colon and prostate cancers. 
I just heard that some seed dealers urge farmers to buy the seed under the seed dealer’s name, telling the farmers it helps the dealer get a discount on seed to buy a lot under their own name. Then Monsanto sues the poor farmer for buying their seed without a contract and extorts huge sums from them. 
Here’s a youtube video that is worth your time. Vandana Shiva is one of the leading anti-Monsanto people in the world. In this video, she says (and this video is old), Monsanto had sued 1500 farmers whose fields had simply been contaminated by GM-crops. Listen to all the ways Monsanto goes after farmers. 
Do you know the story of Gandhi in India and how the British had salt laws that taxed salt? The British claimed it as theirs. Gandhi had what was called a Salt Satyagraha, in which people were asked to break the laws and march to the sea  and collect the salt without paying the British. A kind of Boston tea party, I guess.  
Thousands of people marched 240 miles to the ocean where the British were waiting. As people moved forward to collect the salt, the British soldiers clubbed them but the people kept coming. The non-violent protest exposed the British behavior, which was so revolting to the world that it helped end British control in India.   
Vandana Shiva has started a Seed Satyagraha - nonviolent non-cooperation around seed laws – has gotten millions of farmers to sign a pledge to break those laws.   
American farmers and cattlemen might appreciate what Gandhi fought for and what Shiva is bringing back and how much it is about what we are all so angry about – loss of basic freedoms. [The highlighting is mine.]
The Seed Satyagraha is the name for the nonviolent, noncooperative movement that Dr. Shiva has organized to stand against seed monopolies. According to Dr. Shiva, the name was inspired by Gandhi’s famous walk to the Dandi Beach, where he picked up salt and said, “You can’t monopolize this which we need for life.” But it’s not just the noncooperation aspect of the movement that is influenced by Gandhi. The creative side saving seeds, trading seeds, farming without corporate dependence–without their chemicals, without their seed.
All this is talked about in the language that Gandhi left us as a legacy. We work with three key concepts.”
(One) Swadeshi…which means the capacity to do your own thing–produce your own food, produce your own goods….”
(Two) Swaraj–to govern yourself. And we fight on three fronts–water, food, and seed. JalSwaraj is water independence–water freedom and water sovereignty. Anna Swaraj is food freedom, food sovereignty. And Bija Swaraj is seed freedom and seed sovereignty. Swa means self–that which rises from the self and is very, very much a deep notion of freedom. 
I believe that these concepts, which are deep, deep, deep in Indian civilization, Gandhi resurrected them to fight for freedom. They are very important for today’s world because so far what we’ve had is centralized state rule, giving way now to centralized corporate control, and we need a third alternate. That third alternate is, in part, citizens being able to tell their state, ‘This is what your function is. This is what your obligations are,’ and being able to have their states act on corporations to say, ‘This is something you cannot do.’”
(Three) Satyagraha, non-cooperation, basically saying, ‘We will do our thing and any law that tries to say that (our freedom) is illegal… we will have to not cooperate with it. We will defend our freedoms to have access to water, access to seed, access to food, access to medicine.’”

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