Sivun näyttöjä yhteensä

maanantai 4. elokuuta 2014

Agenda 21. Chemtrails. More people die younger.

Tutkimukset ympäri maailmaa osoittavat, että kemikaali- ja raskasmetallimyrkkyruiskutuksia johtaa YK ja CIA .  Rockefeller, joka on yksi maailman itsekkäimmistä ja ahneimmista psykopaateista, on molempien takana.
Tähän ei käytetä vain sotilaskoneita, koska kaupalliset lentoyhtiöt kuten British Airways, Virgin Atlantic ja useat halpalentoyhtiöt, jotka saavat siitä rahaa, on valjastettu tekemään tätä suurinta rikosta ihmiskuntaa vastaan. 
Tämä on YK:n Agenda 21:n mukainen maailmanlaajuinen operaatio, johon useimmat hallitukset ja monet suuret kansalliset ja halpalentoyhtiöt on juonittu mukaan.
Useimmat ihmiset eri maiden hallituksissa ja lentoyhtiöissä, kuten lentäjät, eivät saa tietää, mitä myrkkyjä he ruiskuttavat ihmisten päälle. 
Kemikaali- ja raskasmetallimyrkkyruiskutuksia tapahtuu kaikissa Nato-maissa sekä Etelä- Amerikassa, Kiinassa ja Intiassa ja Venäjällä.
Lisääntyvä todisteet viittaavat, että kemikaali- ja raskasmetallivanat ovat ilmastonmuokkauksen aseistettu versio, jonka tarkoitus on ihmisten tuhoamisen lisäksi myös lämmittämällä planeettaa sulattaa jää napa-alueilta, jotta öljy ja muihin "rikkauksiin" pääsevät käsiksi kaikki ahneimmat ja itsekkäimmät, ja indusoimalla manipuloimalla säät, jotta saadaan aikaiseksi kuivuus, tulvat ja näin suuret (elintarviketeollisuus, lääketeollisuus, kemianteollisuus jne.) monikansalliset yritykset, joiden omistajat (ne kaikkein ahneimmat, itsekkäimmät ja kieroimmat rockefellerit, rotschildit, dupontit, morganit, carnegiet jne.) voivat paremmin hyötyä ihmisistä.
Esim. vuonna 2011 Serbia kieltäytyi tuomasta maahansa Rockefellerien Monsanton geenimanipuloitua ruokaa.

Mitä seuraa, jos sanoo rockefellereille: "EI!"
Mitä siitä seurasi Serbialle?
Tämän johdosta maassa alkoivat massiiviset myrkylliset kemikaalivanasuihkutukset.
Mieti miksi?
"Meitä kohdellaan kuin hyönteisiä" kertoi serbialainen Nikola Aleksić.
Nikola Aleksic, joka vastusti Rockefellerin myrkytyskampanjaa omassa maassaan, koki ihmiskunnan itsekkäimmän ja ahneimman Rockefellerin ahneuden ja itsekkyyden nahoissaan: Rockefellerin palkkamurhaaja poliisi yritti ensin murhata hänet. Sitten hänet yritettiin uudestaan murhata ja sitten hänet perheineen heitettiin ulos vuokra-asunnostaan, sitten hänet heitettiin vankilaan ja annettiin isot sakot.  Tätä tekee maailman itsekkäin ja ahnein ja häikäilemättömin psykopaatti Rockefeller, kaikkein narsistisin ja paatunein lajinsisäinen peto, jolla on ihmisen pää, mutta ei omaatuntoa.
 Tuesday, Oct.4 2011 an alleged assassination attempt was committed by someone in a car with a police license on the life of the well-known green movement anti-chemtrail worker, Director of the Ecological Movement of Novi Sad, Mr. Nikola Aleksic.

In October 2011, Nikola Aleksic, leader of Ecological Movement of Novi Sad in Serbia, was arrested and fined. Earlier on his way to a conference in Belgrade, an attempt was reportedly made on his life. And Monsanto has sued him with the threat of removing him and his family from their rented flat as "collateral."

Why all the fuss? Nikola made a spirited speech, recorded on video, challenging the Serbian president for allowing GMOs to come into Serbia. He also challenged the Serbian government for allowing planes to spray chemtrails in the Serbian skies.
A brave outspoken challenge
He forcefully spoke of all this as genocide. That the future of Serbians will fade away from the poisons of chemtrails and the toxicity and sterility generated by GMOs.
Mara Kern, wrote the original article, posted by "Food Freedom" and others, on Nikola Aleksi. He even called on the Serbian Army to do their duty and protect Serbian skies. He demanded the Serbian prosecutor declare Serbia a non-GMO zone.
Then he warned the president of Serbia, Boris Tadic, that if he continued to play along with Monsanto's GMO plans and not put a stop to chemtrails, he would urge Serbians to hit the streets and he, Nikola Aleksi, would be among the first.
As Mara Kern explained, Nikola has done well the ecology movement, but his latest complaints are banned from mainstream media.
There have been two or three Natural News articles referring to Monsanto's use of Xe, a private security group formerly known as Blackwater. Yes, the mercenary group changed their names to shine up their tarnished image.
As a corporate intelligence agency for Monsanto, Xe is assigned with locating and isolating international GMO dissenters so they can be marginalized, bought, or removed.
Monsanto marches on through government leaders!!
Monsanto has succeeded with taking over the US Government and its regulatory agencies. They are meeting with resistance elsewhere, but they are persistent and ruthless. It appears Monsanto has what it takes to corrupt leaders of other foreign nations, any which way that allows them entry.
Recently, with the Green Party out of the picture, Ireland's current ruling party, Finna Fail, dropped Ireland's non-GMO zone stance. They have gone along with the EU Commission's decision to alter the EU's zero tolerance GMO policy. Monsanto is managing to erode resistance in Europe.
Monsanto's techniques are similar to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approach with national leaders: Persuasion, bribery, and ultimately assassination or "regime change" to exploit a nations resources.
Nikola Aleksic has almost been assassinated, according to Mara Kern's article. And now he has been arrested and is being hassled by Monsanto. He is the Patrick Henry of food freedom and ecological protection.
Suomessa meitä kohdellaan myös kuin "hyönteisiä" ja myrkyllistä sotkua tulee hengitettäväksemme tuon ahneen ja häikäilemättömän porukan valjastamista lentokoneista joka päivä.
Kun Kroatia liittyi NATOn Partnership for Peace -ohjelmaan 2000 , samana päivänä tapahtuivat tässä maassa ensimmäiset Chemtrails-levitykset.  Tämä on hyvin dokumentoitu William Thomasin Chemtrails Confirmed -kirjassa, sivulla 202.
Kirja kemikaalivanoista, ensimmäinen versio julkaistu jo 2004.
Samassa kirjassa raportoidaan, miten satoja KC-135 ja C-130 tankkerikoneita käytetään levitysoperaatioissa eri maissa. HUOMIO: Kirja PDF-muodossa, vuoden 2010-päivityksellä.
Saksassa lokakuussa 2013 videoidussa levitysoperaatiossa mukana oli (NATOn ja Luftwaffen) AWACS-tutkakone ja C-17 Globemaster.
Agenda 21. Chemtrails. More people die younger.
Chemtrails: Frightening Lesser-Known Facts
April 2, 2013

Human Pesticide?
“In the last ten years, respiratory disease in the US has moved from 8th to 3rd highest cause of death. Asthma rates have more than doubled in the western world and Alzheimer’s’ disease, a condition that is caused by aluminum poisoning, has also skyrocketed. “

If we don’t organize to stop this scourge, we deserve what we get.
by David Richards

There has been an increasing awareness of chemtrails in recent years. Protests have been organized, movies have been released and whistle blowers have come forward. Most significantly, former Los Angeles FBI chief Ted Gunderson made a video denouncing chemtrails shortly before his death in 2011.The heavy spraying began in NATO countries in the late 90s, but today chemtrails are being recorded pretty much everywhere, from Russia to Brazil, South Korea to Cuba. This is a program of extraordinary scope and importance. However, while we know a chemtrail program exists, there is very little hard information on how it functions and what its goals are.I have been researching chemtrails and, while I don’t yet have the full picture, I present this information will plug a few holes.•    Most politicians are as oblivious as we are. AC Griffin, a former CIA and NSA operative, says: ‘The monies that go into CIA projects don’t necessarily come from congressional appropriations. The congress as a whole is completely oblivious to the aerosol program.  They are afraid to ask.’People on the inside who oppose the program are punished. ‘One of the key people who designed the aerosol is now sitting in federal penitentiary. They still go to him to ask him questions.’
Griffin also revealed that former Clinton era Navy Chief  of Naval Operations, Jeremy Boorda, left, was murdered because he opposed the program. Boorda was found dead in 1996 with three shotgun wounds in his chest. The authorities were quick to claim he committed suicide, and the autopsy results were never released to the public.
•    Commercial airliners are involved in spraying. In the very beginning, the aerosols were sprayed solely by military planes, but now the program has been expanded and commercial airliners have been outfitted with aerosol units controlled by computers and satellites. Photos provide evidence of this, like this Lufthansa jet flying over the US (below,left).
In the airline industry, the operation is known as Project Cloverfield. In 2000, a high level executive at an American airline revealed his office was visited by two men from an unnamed government agency:
They told us that the government was going to pay our airline, along with others, to release special chemicals from commercial aircraft. When asked what the chemicals were and why we were going to spray them, they told us that information was given on a need-to-know basis and we weren’t cleared for it…We were made to sign non-disclosure forms that basically stated that we would go to prison if we told anyone what we knew.’
Delivery by commercial aircraft raises the possibility that many countries have not given consent to being sprayed, and may be unaware it’s even happening.
•    Weather manipulation is a daily occurrence – Chemtrails are used in conjunction with HAARP for geo-engineering (the technical term for weather control). Much is written about the ability to create disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis against an enemy, but we don’t realize that weather patterns are manipulated all the time. Scott Stevens was a TV weatherman in the US but quit his job upon realizing that this was happening on a nigh daily basis.

GAMBLING ON FOOD: ‘WEATHER DERIVATIVES”Global warming is the cover story for the increasingly severe and bizarre weather worldwide.
•    Geo-engineering is used to force GMO crops on the world. Manufactured floods and droughts damage harvests and put farmers out of business.
Monsanto has the patent for GMO seeds that are drought and flood resistant, as well as resistant to the poisonous effects of aluminum, one of the key metals in chemtrails.  Any farmer who refuses to grow GMO crops will not be able to guarantee a good harvest and will go out of business. 

Even worse, Monsanto’s end game is to force what are termed ‘Terminator’ seeds on farmers worldwide. These crops don’t produce seeds, meaning the farmer has to buy new seeds from Monsanto every planting season!

•    Weather Derivatives are chemtrail insurance. – You may wonder how the big players protect their interests from weather warfare. Say, how does George Soros, who owns thousands of acres of farmland in America, protect his profits from engineered drought?
Companies use financial instruments to hedge against risk of adverse weather conditions. They first appeared in the late-nineties, the same time the heavy spraying started! Michael Agne, a trader at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, explains how they work:
You’re betting there’s going to be a weather disaster within a particular time-frame, at a particular location, and when it does happen there’s going to be a big pay-off.’ Obviously, insiders can make big bucks making bets based on the geo-engineering timetable.
•    Chemtrails are a ‘soft kill’ operation – Soft kill attacks primarily aim to disable and weaken the enemy, not kill him. As Dr. Len Horowitz has explained, wars are an inefficient way to lower population numbers because they destroy infrastructure. The preferable scenario is to create a sick population dependent on the military-medical-industrial complex for their health. In this way, you have population control, make vast fortunes doing it and keep the infrastructure intact.
Chemtrails are a multi-pronged attack.
Firstly, the metallic salts used in the aerosols are highly toxic and require our bodies to waste tremendous amounts of energy removing them. Millions of people cannot do it. In the last ten years, respiratory disease in the US has moved from 8th to 3rd highest cause of death. Asthma rates have more than doubled in the western world and Alzheimer’s’ disease, a condition that is caused by aluminum poisoning, has also skyrocketed.
The second thing is the release of diseases. A high placed military insider claims that bacteria and viruses are freeze-dried and placed on fine filaments for release. The metals released along with the diseases heat up from the sun, creating a perfect environment for the bacteria and viruses to thrive in the air supply.
Third, chemtrails contain nano technological weapons. Surprisingly, this fact has remained so low-key in the alternative media. It is well proven by researchers like Dr. Hildegarde Staninger and former government scientist Clifford Carnicom.
The nanotech consists of genetically modified organisms that are basically bio-robots. When we inhale them, they take up residence in our bodies and live as parasites. When the infestation becomes advanced, the individual develops what is termed Morgellons disease. He is so weak that he can barely do anything and suffers an array of bizarre and ghastly symptoms: scabs that don’t heal, hair that falls out and is replaced by pseudo hair and unceasing crawling sensations beneath the skin.
Morgellons is a new condition that has appeared in the last decade – the same time the heavy spraying kicked in! There are an estimated 60,000+ sufferers in the US alone, and their symptoms are chronicled by the Morgellons Research Foundation.
 There is evidence that the nanotechnology in the aerosols creates genetically modified red blood cells. Clifford Carnicom has found these cells in the atmosphere and in the blood samples of most people he tests. They are quite unlike normal red blood cells; they can grow outside of the body in a petri dish, survive high temperatures and withstand being doused in acid. Clearly, this is highly sophisticated bio warfare!
We don’t know for sure what purpose they serve, but the answer may have been provided by Ray Kurtwell, one of the biggest names in the transhumanism movement. In a recent speech he said: ‘In the next 25 years we will have bloodcell -sized devices that go inside your body and keep you healthy from inside, that go in your brain and interact with your biological neurons and merge with our biological intelligence.’
When an establishment scientist tells us with certainty that something will exist, assume that it already does. There is a chance that the ‘blood-cell sized devices’ that Kurtwell mentioned are the weaponized red blood cells being discovered, and that mind alteration is currently underway.
•    How do the perpetrators protect themselves? The Illuminati never launch an attack without making sure they’re protected first. For instance, President Bush took an anthrax vaccine two weeks before the anthrax attacks in 2001. They may drink a solution once a day that removes the toxins from their bloodstream, or have a chip put in their arm that acts like a tiny dialysis machine.
Many involved in the operation probably don’t know the true agenda. Dr. Bill Deagle was a doctor at Buckley air force base and claims to have treated the pilots who were spraying the aerosols, ’95% of them told me they were up there spraying to reflect the sun to stop global warming, so most of them are dumb enough to believe that garbage.’
The Illuminati are vandalizing the skies, as visibly as a graffiti artist spraying a wall, and yet most of us remain oblivious. Like little else, chemtrails bring home just how desperate our predicament is. 
Despite this, I think anti-chemtrail activism has tremendous potential. The existence of the operation is easy to prove and we have the testimony of many whistle blowers. The protest movement can continue to generate momentum because chemtrails will persist for decades to come.
David Richards, 24, teaches English in Mongolia. He is a regular contributor.

Makow Comment- Citizens should form committees in every city to monitor and photograph chemtrail activity; educate the public and spread awareness; and to petition politicians and media. The Illuminati positively hate spontaneous political activity they don’t initiate and control. This is a great way to increase consciousness about the NWO conspiracy.
First Comment from A:
I took this photo myself after I became aware the chemtrails problem was real. Hats off to David Richard for his fine essay for Henry Makow, Chemtrails: Frightening Lesser-Known Facts. It is one of the best I’ve read. But even three years ago I would have dismissed it as BULLSHIT.
I offer this ~~ my sad chemtrails mea culpa. I didn’t wake-up to the issue until last spring when a friend brought me Michael Murphy & Paul Wittenberger’s video documentary WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE THEY SPRAYING. My friend knew I was hoarse and suffering asthma and finally receptive to his arguments, but even the video didn’t convince me. What convinced me was leaving the USA and traveling to the Middle East last July and magically having my problems disappear. Also a close friend nearly died of asthma and COPD last spring. These three events finally grabbed my attention and I became a firm believer in the chemtrails problems.
So don’t get TOO upset if your friends don’t immediately see and understand the chemtrails problem. It is almost too mind-boggling to believe. It takes even a truly smart person a while to come around. Not being so bright, it took me longer.
Second Comment from Annette- 
Me kansalaiset emme tiedä, mitä myrkkyjä niskaamme ruiskutetaan?

Tässä on kuva lentokoneen sisältä. Monet lentokoneet on valjastettu suurin piirtein näillä vermeillä myrkyttämään ihmisiä. Lentokoneista myrkyt ruiskutetaan ihmisten päälle.

Tässä on kuva lentokoneen sisältä. Monet lentokoneet on valjastettu suurin piirtein näillä vermeillä myrkyttämään ihmisiä. Lentokoneista myrkyt ruiskutetaan ihmisten päälle.

Tässä on kuva lentokoneen sisältä. Monet lentokoneet on valjastettu suurin piirtein näillä vermeillä myrkyttämään ihmisiä. Lentokoneista myrkyt ruiskutetaan ihmisten päälle.

Tässä on kuva lentokoneen sisältä. Monet lentokoneet on valjastettu suurin piirtein näillä vermeillä myrkyttämään ihmisiä. Lentokoneista myrkyt ruiskutetaan ihmisten päälle.

Tässä on kuva lentokoneen sisältä. Monet lentokoneet on valjastettu suurin piirtein näillä vermeillä myrkyttämään ihmisiä. Lentokoneista myrkyt ruiskutetaan ihmisten päälle.
Me kansalaiset emme tiedä, kenen toimesta sitä tehdään joka päivä joko lentokoneista ruiskutetun harmaan kemikaaleilla ja raskasmetalleilla muokatun "pilvikalvon" takaa tai ilman sitä?

Rockefeller omistaa ja hallitsee pääosin monsantoa, joka toimitti Vietnamiinkin kemikaaliruiskutusta, jolla tappoi hirvittävän määrän ihmisiä, ja yhä vietnamilaiset kärsivät Rockefellerin Monsanton myrkyistä.

Näin Rockefellerin Monsanton myrkkyjä levitettiin Vietnamissa. 

Näin Rockefellerin Monsanton myrkkyjä levitetään tänäänkin. 

Rotschildit omistavat erittäin paljon alumiiniteollisuutta. Se saadaan helposti ihmisten päälle ruiskutettavaksi, koska Rotschildit ja Rockefellerit ovat toimineet yhdessä jo kauan.

David Rockefeller aikoinaan ihasteli Maon Kiinaa. Jos Rockefeller ilmoitti ihailevansa jotakin, it was the way to go. Rockefellerin hallinnoiman YK:n kestävän kehityksen toimintaohjelma Agenda 21:ssä ennaltaehkäisevän periaatteen (Precautionary Principle) mukaan jokainen kansalainen on syyllinen, ellei toisin todisteta.

Agenda 21:n artikloista katsotaan vallitsevan hallitusten kesken konsensus.
Moni Agenda 21:n esittelemistä ajatuksista löytyy muodossa tai toisessa Karl Marxin kirjoituksista sekä Adam Weishauptin nk. kuuden kohdan ohjelmasta.

Konsensus tarkoittaa On sovittu että -päätöstä, josta ei ole käyty kansalaiskeskustelua tai äänestetty demokraattisesti.
Agenda 21:n mukaan taloudellisten resurssien uusjakoa ja ihmisten uudelleensijoittamista tarvitaan laajassa mittakaavassa.
Yhdysvalloissa onkin jo laadittu suunnitelmaa, jolla ihmiset pakkosiirretään nykyisiltä asuinalueiltaan sallituille alueille ja kielletyillä (punaiset alueet) alueilla -joita on suurin osa Yhdysvaltain maapinta-alasta- oleskelu tehdään mahdollisesti rangaistuksen alaiseksi teoksi. Yllättävän suuri osa kielletyiksi määritellyistä reservaattialueista on eri luonnonsuojelujärjestöjen omistuksessa. Usean järjestön toimintaa rahoittavat energiayhtiöt.
Suomalainen Vihreän puolueen oppi-isäksi mielletty Pentti Linkola on avoimesti puoltanut ekoleirejä, joilla ihmisiä koulutetaan uudelleen "oikeaan ajatteluun". Yhdysvaltain armeijalla on olemassa ohjelma nimeltään US Inmate Civilian Labor Program, joka määrittelee armeijan tehtäviä ja valtuuksia valtion siviileille perustamissa vankityöleireissä. Vankileireillä siviilit työskentelevät armeijan valvonnan alaisina ja "korjaavat käytöstään".
Jo vuonna 2006 David Miliband, silloinen Britannian ympäristöministeri, ehdotti "henkilökohtaisia päästöoikeuksia". Henkilökohtaiset päästöoikeudet tarkoittavat sitä, että jokaiselle ihmiselle määritellään se määrä hiilidioksia, jonka hän saa päästää  ilmakehään uloshengittäessään. Jos henkilö ylittää päästöoikeutensa, hän joutuu ostamaan niitä lisää voidakseen hengittää. Millibandin mukaan "yleisön yhteistyö on toivottavaa, mutta ei välttämätöntä".
David Milibandin ajatusta henkilökohtaisista päästötileistä edistää Saksassa Joachim Schellnhuber, liittokansleri Angela Merkelin neuvonantaja ilmastoasioissa. Moni muukin Vihreä poliitikko kannattaa ajatusta, ja on sitä mieltä, että "tällaisessa (ilmastollisessa) hätätilanteessa demokraattisten oikeuksien pidättäminen on aivan oikein".
Lihaville ihmisille ja muille henkilöille, jotka huohottavat hengittäessään kaavaillaan lisäveroa. On ehdotettu myös hengittämisen säännöstelyä.
Norfolkin saarella Australian edustalla on jo henkilökohtaisten päästöoikeuksien kokeilu meneillään. Kokeiluun kuuluu carboncard, "hiilikortti", johon tulee merkintä käytetystä polttoaineesta, sähköstä, lennetyistä lentomatkoista ja rasvaisista tai kaukaa kuljetetusta ruoista. Jos saa säästettyä päästötilinsä yksiköitä, ne voi myydä eteenpäin. Jos päästötili ylittyy, on korvausvelvollinen. Joka vuosi hallitus pienentää päästötilikohtaisia henkilölle myönnettävien yksiköiden määrää, jolloin niiden kaupallinen arvo nousee.
Green Goal-osuus eli Vihreä Päämäärä listaa asioita, jotka eivät ole kestävän kehityksen mukaisia. Näitä asioita ovat mm. yksityisomistus, yksityisyrittäminen, kuluttaminen, maanviljely, kasvi, laidunmaat ja laiduntaminen, kastelu ja keinokastelu, perheet.
Maailmanhallituksen tarpeellisuutta on perusteltu maapallon pelastamisella, ja asian ajamiseksi läpi on käytetty valtavat määrät energiaa sekä rahaa; niin yksityistä kuin veronmaksajien.
Maailmanhallitus on tarkoitus muodostaa YK:n avulla ja sen alle, YK  ja sen alaiset organisaatiot olisivat "kansainvälinen toimeenpaneva elin". Näitä organisaatioita YK:lla on olemassa lukuisia jo valmiina.
Hiljattain YK esitti myös, että kaikki maailman valtiot arvioisivat luonnonvarojensa rahallisen arvon, se helpottaisi korvausperusteiden laskemista ympäristökatastrofin sattuessa.  Tai arviointia IMF:lta otettuja lainoja perittäessä?
YK:n globaalin aseistariisunnan ohjelmaa ajetaan sitäkin läpi nopeutetulla aikataululla. Alkuperäinen tavoite oli vuosi 2012. Globaali aseistariisunta ei koske armeijoita, poliisia tai turvapalveluhenkilökuntaa. Ainoastaan yksityishenkilöt on tarkoitus riisua aseista. Suomessa aselain muutosesityksen II vaihe on parhaillaan käsittelyssä.
Monet arvostelijat, joukossa kirjailija-journalisti Christopher Booker sekä lordi Christopher Monckton, ovat suomineet Agenda 21:ta ja sanoneet sen toteuttamisen johtavan Maailmanhallitukseen.
Maailmanhallituksen alla ihmiset asuvat pienillä, heille sallituilla alueilla joukkoliikenneväylien vieressä tai suurkaupungeissa, perheyhteisöt hajotetaan ja valtio pakkohuostaanottaa lapset kasvatettaviksi globaaliin ympäristöuskontoon.
Kansallisvaltiot pyritään hajottamaan, ja verotus muuttuu globaaliksi. Liikkumista, yksityisomistusta ja yksityisyritteliäisyyttä rajoitetaan yhteisen hyvän nimissä. Maailman varallisuus jaetaan uudelleen. Agenda 21 on arvostelijoiden mukaan "täydellisen sosiaalisen kontrollin käsikirja".
Media ei kuitenkaan hanakasti julkaise näitä vastapuolen mielipiteitä. Osasyy saattaa olla se, että arviolta noin 98% maailman mediasta on tavalla tai toisella samojen omistajien käsissä. Nämä tahot rahoittavat myös YK:n toimintaa.
Tällä hetkellä YK:n rahoituksesta vain murto-osa tulee kansallisvaltioilta. Suurimman osan rahoituksestaan YK  ja sen alaiset organisaatiot saavat korporaatioilta: pankeilta, lääke-, vakuutus- ja energiayhtiöiltä sekä sellaisilta avoimesti eugeniikan kannalla olevilta säätiöiltä kuin Rockefeller Foundation.
Tämä ei liene sattumaa, sillä YK:n toiminnassa alusta asti mukana ollut biologi Sir Julian Huxley, ei ole koskaan salaillut vahvoja sympatioitaan eugeniikan puolesta. Huxley oli UNESCOn suuntalinjojen pääarkkitehti ja vaikutti myös WWF:n toiminnassa.
Eugeniikka tarkoittaa terminä ihmisten valikoivaa jalostamista kannan parantamiseksi sukupolvien myötä. Valiot saavat lisääntyä (rotuhygienia) ja epäkelvot eivät (pakkosteriloinnit, abortit, syntyvyyden säännöstely). Matti ja Maija Meikäläisellä perheineen tuskin on mahdollisuutta itse määritellä, kuuluvatko he valioihin vai epäkelpoihin.
Kestävän kehityksen nimissä poljetaan ihmisarvoa
Kestävän kehityksen suunnitelmat edellyttävät keskitettyä asumista, ja siihen suuntaan asuntopolitiikka tähtääkin. Keskitetyn asumisen eräät edut ovat ilmeisiä, mm. energiatehokkuus, ja niitä korostetaankin jatkuvasti.
Haittapuolet jäävät usein tarkastelutta. Jo historiasta olemme oppineet -tai meidän olisi pitänyt- että keskitetyn asumisen ja vedenjakelun muodoissa kaikki kulkutaudit leviävät nopeammin. Yhteinen vesihuolto voidaan muuntaa myös kontrollivälineeksi: veden tulo joko katkaistaan tai juomaveteen lisätään väestön tyynenä pitäviä kemikaaleja kuten fluorideja. Tätä tapaa suosivat Hitler ja Stalin. USAssa taas on paljastunut, että Teksasin osavaltiossa juomavesi on sisältänyt radioaktiivisia ainesosia.
Entäpä sähkö? Kun sähköt maaseudulla katkeavat, viedään pilaantuva ruoka viileään kaivoon, otetaan samalla juomavesi ämpärillä kaivosta, pannaan puita uuniin ja sytytetään iltasella kynttilät. Kaupungissa sähkön katkeaminen -tai katkaiseminen- lopettaa vedentulon, ilmastoinnin, ruoan säilymisen, hissien liikkumisen, rahaliikenteen, jätehuollon ja monta muuta asiaa. Toimimaton vesi-wc betonikylän yksiössä ei ole pelkkä hajuhaitta, se on myös terveysriski.
Maaseudulla asutaan hajallaan, ja väestön liikkumisen valvominen on kallista ja vaikeaa. Moniin kaupunkeihin taas, myös Helsinkiin, on asennettu turvallisuuteen vedoten valvontakameroita lähes jokaiseen kortteliin. Kaupungissa on myös helppoa tukkia kulkuväylät, tai piirittää se, jolloin asukkaat jäävät sumppuun.
Kestävä kehitys ei ole huono ajatus, eikä nykyinen kulutukseen perustava elämäntapamme monia laadullisestikaan tyydytä.
Kannattanee kuitenkin harkita tarkkaan, ovatko Agenda 21:ssa asetetut päämäärät maksuun tulevan hinnan arvoiset, ja millaiseen lopputulokseen se tie johtaa. Kaikki ovat kuulleet Suomessakin jauhettavasta termistä "kestävä kehitys" jota nyt ajetaan joka paikassa läpi Rockefellerin uuden maailmanjärjestyksen totetumiseksi mm. ilmastonmuutosvalheen avulla. Rockefeller on itse rahoittamassa ilmastonmuokkausta, jolla depopulaatio ja muu toteutetaan.
pääasialliset lähteet: UN Document Agenda 21 , EurActiv 18 Sept. 2009, EurActiv 11/09/2009, Salon Seudun Sanomat/ Jan-Erik Enestam, Analys Norden,, EUReferendum, The Herald Sun. com. au. 3 Nov. 2010 (Andrew Bolt), EU Parliament 8 Nov. 2010 , CNN Tech 18 Oct. 2010 , The Telegraph 27 Oct. 2010, CCRKBA (Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms). US Civilian Inmate Labor Program ,  Eduskunnan hallintovaliokunta; Aselainsäädännön uudistamisen II vaihe; rikosylikomisario Tero Haapala, KRP, luottamuksellinen muistio hallintovaliokunnalle

YK:lla on useita erityis- ja alajärjestöjä:
Kansainvälinen siviili-ilmailujärjestö (ICAO)
Lastenavun rahasto (UNICEF)
Maailman terveysjärjestö (WHO)
Kasvatus-, tiede- ja kulttuurijärjestö (UNESCO)
Kansainvälinen työjärjestö (ILO)
Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien pakolaisasiain päävaltuutettu (UNHCR)
Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien naistenrahasto (UNIFEM)
Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien ympäristöohjelma (UNEP)
Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien kehitysohjelma (UNDP)
Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien teollistamisjärjestö (UNIDO)
Kansainvälinen atomienergiajärjestö (IAEA)
Tullitariffeja ja kauppaa koskeva yleissopimus (GATT)
Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien elintarvike- ja maatalousjärjestö (FAO)
Kansainvälinen valuuttarahasto (IMF)
Kansainvälinen jälleenrakennus- ja kehittämispankki (IBRD)
Kansainvälinen kehitysjärjestö (IDA)
Kansainvälinen rahoitusyhtiö (IFC)
Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien pääomarahasto (UNCDF)
Maailman postiliitto (UPU)
Kansainvälinen televiestintäliitto (ITU)
Maailman ilmatieteen järjestö (WMO)
Kansainvälinen merenkulkujärjestö (IMO)
Ionisoivan säteilyn vaikutusten tieteellinen komitea (UNSCEAR)
Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien ihmisoikeusneuvosto (UNHRC)
Millä unilääkkeillä tämä kansa on nukutettu? Täytyy olla aika heviä kamaa.
Kestävän kehityksen suunnitelmat edellyttävät keskitettyä asumista, ja siihen suuntaan asuntopolitiikka tähtääkin. Keskitetyn asumisen eräät edut ovat ilmeisiä, mm. energiatehokkuus, ja niitä korostetaankin jatkuvasti.
Haittapuolet jäävät usein tarkastelutta. Jo historiasta olemme oppineet -tai meidän olisi pitänyt- että keskitetyn asumisen ja vedenjakelun muodoissa kaikki kulkutaudit leviävät nopeammin.
Yhteinen vesihuolto voidaan muuntaa myös kontrollivälineeksi: veden tulo joko katkaistaan tai juomaveteen lisätään väestön tyynenä pitäviä kemikaaleja kuten fluorideja.
Tätä tapaa suosivat Hitler ja Stalin. USAssa taas on paljastunut, että Teksasin osavaltiossa juomavesi on sisältänyt radioaktiivisia ainesosia.
Entäpä sähkö? Kun sähköt maaseudulla katkeavat, viedään pilaantuva ruoka viileään kaivoon, otetaan samalla juomavesi ämpärillä kaivosta, pannaan puita uuniin ja sytytetään iltasella kynttilät.
Kaupungissa sähkön katkeaminen -tai katkaiseminen- lopettaa vedentulon, ilmastoinnin, ruoan säilymisen, hissien liikkumisen, rahaliikenteen, jätehuollon ja monta muuta asiaa. Toimimaton vesi-wc betonikylän yksiössä ei ole pelkkä hajuhaitta, se on myös terveysriski.
Maaseudulla asutaan hajallaan, ja väestön liikkumisen valvominen on kallista ja vaikeaa. Moniin kaupunkeihin taas, myös Helsinkiin, on asennettu turvallisuuteen vedoten valvontakameroita lähes jokaiseen kortteliin. Kaupungissa on myös helppoa tukkia kulkuväylät, tai piirittää se, jolloin asukkaat jäävät sumppuun.
Kestävä kehitys ei ole huono ajatus, eikä nykyinen kulutukseen perustava elämäntapamme monia laadullisestikaan tyydytä.
Kannattanee kuitenkin harkita tarkkaan, saavutetaanko Agenda 21:ssa ja TEEBissa asetetut päämäärät polkemalla ihmisarvoa ja demokratiaa, vai johtaako se tie kokonaan toisenlaiseen lopputulokseen.
Agenda 21
Kestävä kehitys on tie kohti kansanmurhaa ja orjuutta.
Kestävästä kehityksestä on tullut populaari synonyymi termille Agenda 21.
Agenda 21 on vuonna 1992 omaksuttu YK:n julkilausuma ympäristöstä ja teollisesta kehityksestä.
Agenda 21 on suunnitelma 2000-lukua varten, jota
me nyt elämme. Se on suunnitelma uutta uljasta maailmaa varten, jossa kaikki
se mitä pidämme rakkaana ja totena lakkaa olemasta.
Agenda 21 julistaa olevansa kokonaisvaltainen toimintasuunnitelma toteutettavaksi globaalilla,
kansallisella ja paikallisella tasolla YK:n eri järjestöjen toimesta.
Agenda 21 nostaa luonnon hallitsemaan ihmiskuntaa ja se myös pitää sisällään
varotoimenpide-periaatteen, mikä merkitsee sitä että ihmistä pidetään
syyllisenä kunnes toisin todistetaan.
Agenda 21 on filosofia, joka on
suunniteltu saattamaan koko ihmiskunta pienen valtaeliitin täydellisen
kontrollin ja valvonnan alaisuuteen.
Samalla se on 40 lukua käsittävä
dokumentti koko maailman kontrolloimiseksi ja se perustuu täysin
sosialistien kontrollimekanismien käyttöön.
Kestävän kehityksen kannattajat
ovat luoneet maailmanlaajuisen liikkeen, joka kontrolloi globaalia ja
paikallista toimintasuunnitelmaa maailmanhallituksen rakentamiseksi heidän
omien tavoitteidensa toteuttamiseksi. Näihin tavoitteisiin lukeutuu:
1. Kansallisen itsemääräämisoikeuden lakkauttaminen
2. Yksityisomistuksen lakkauttaminen
3. Perinteisen perherakenteen hajottaminen
4. Liikkumista ja yksilön vapautta koskevien rajoitusten kiristäminen
Vihreisiin tavoitteisiin lukeutuu sellaisten asioitten määritteleminen,
jotka eivät tue "kestävää kehitystä" ja niihin lukeutuu:
1. Yksityisomaisuus (omakotitalot, huvilat, maatilat, metsät,
yksityiset ajoneuvot ym.)
2. Fossiiliset polttoaineet
3. Golf-kentät ja laskettelukeskukset
4. Kulutuskulttuuri
5. Viljelmien keinokastelu
6. Asfaltilla päällystetyt tiet
7. Kaupallinen maatalous
8. Kasvinsuojelumyrkyt
9. Maanviljelyalueet ja pellot
10. Karjan laiduntaminen
11. Perhe
Kestävän kehityksen tavoitteena on yksityisomaisuuden lakkauttaminen,
perheen olemassaolon yhteiskunnallinen horjuttaminen sekä perustuslakiin
pohjautuvien kansalaisoikeuksien mitätöiminen. YK:n ympäristöguru Maurice
Strong esitti Rion ympäristökokouksessa -92 selvästi että globalisaation
tavoitteena länsimaisen teollisuuden alasajo - erityisesti Yhdysvaltojen
teollisuuden tuhoaminen. Tavoitteena on aivopestä lapset kestävän kehityksen
periaatteilla jo pienenä koulussa siten että he omaksuvat luonnon roolin
elämän kaikkia osa-alueita hallitsevana periaatteena ja hylkäävät vanhempien
ja uskonnon auktoriteetin sekä kansallisen itsemääräämisoikeuden arvon.
Tavoitteena on tyhjätä maaseutu ihmisistä suunniteltujen
luonnonsuojelualueiden tieltä. Tätä kutsutaan USA:ssa nimellä "Biodiversity
and Wildlands Project". Jäljelle jäävät ihmiset on tarkoitus sulloa
tulevaisuuden vihreisiin kaupunkeihin, joiden hiilijälki on tarkoitus pitää
sähköautojen ja -junien sekä muiden ympäristöystävällisten teknologioiden
ansiosta lähellä nollaa. Luonnonsuojelualueilla eläminen tullaan tekemään
Väkilukua on tarkoitus laskea 80-90% suosimalla ehkäisyä,
sterilointeja, abortteja, homoutta, naisten oikeuksia ja käyttämällä
kemikaaleja ruuassa ja rokotteissa ihmisten steriloimiseen tai tappamiseen.
Nämä menetelmät käsitellään Obaman tiedeneuvonantajan John Holdrenin
kirjassa Ecoscience, joka on eugeniikkojen, kansanmurhaajien ja radikaalien
vihreiden oma "keittokirja".
Tulevaisuuden vihreissä kaupungeissa jäljelle
jääneet ihmiset (0,5 - 2 miljardia) eläisivät 24/7 elektronisen valvonnan
ja kontrollin alaisuudessa palvellen hallitsevaa luokkaa eli valtaeliittiä.
Tässä uudessa uljaassa maailmassa valtio tyydyttää ihmisten kaikki tarpeet
ja kasvattaa heidän lapsensa. Valtio tarjoaa turvaa vastineeksi sille että
ihmiset alistuvat sen orjiksi. Samalla uudet elämää pitkittävät teknologiat
halutaan salata valtaväestöltä ja varataan ainoastaan hallitsevan luokan
Muutoksesta kielii USA:n presidentin George H W Bushin lausunto puhuessaan
"Tästä lähtien Amerikan kansa vannoo uskollisuutta YK:n
perustamisasiakirjaan sisältyville pyhille periaatteille."
Tämä tietenkin merkitsee Yhdysvaltain perustuslain korvaamista YK:n
periaatteilla. Samaa rataa mennään ympäri maailmaa - omaa perustuslakia
muutetaan ja vesitetään pois YK:n periaatteiden tieltä. Bush siis ratifioi
Agenda 21:n periaatteet kongressin selän takana ja Clinton jatkoi samalla
linjalla perustamalla presidentillisen neuvoston käsittelemään Agenda 21:een
liittyviä kysymyksiä. Ja sama linja jatkuu yhä. (Hiljattain rauhannobelisti
Obama päätti että hänellä on YK:n suomin valtuuksin oikeus julistaa sota
missä päin maailmaa tahansa kongressin selän takana.)
Miten tällainen suunnitelma voidaan ylipäätään toteuttaa? Vastaus:
varastamalla ja aivopesemällä yksi uusi sukupolvi (lapset ja nuoret).
Niinhän teki Stalin (pioneerijärjestö) ja Hitler (Hitler-nuorisojärjestö).
Näille nuorille opetetaan uusi filosofia ja sen arvot niin että heistä tulee
globaaleja muutos-johtajia ja muutos-agentteja eli maailmankansalaisia. YK:n
kulttuurijärjestö UNESCO, joka rakentaa nyt esiin tulevaa pakanallista
maailmankulttuuria, julisti vuodet 2005-2015 "kestävän kehityksen
kasvatuksen vuosikymmeneksi". Tämän kasvatuksen tarkoituksena on juurruttaa
nuorisoon Agenda 21:n 40 lukua käsittävät periaatteet eli luoda globaali
pakanallinen opetussuunnitelma. Perimmäinen tarkoitus on aivopestä nuoriso
luopumaan uskollisuudestaan vanhempiaan kohtaan ja saada heidät hyväksymään
valtio "isäkseen ja äidikseen" (totalitarismia ja kollektivismia) ja opettaa
heille taloudellisen kestävän kehityksen mukaisen kulutuksen periaatteita.
Taustalla on filosofia nimeltä "konstruktivismi", jonka mukaan:
"...oppilaat rakentavat [heidän oman] käsityksensä todellisuudesta ja
[huomaavat] että objektiivista todellisuutta ei ole mahdollista tietää."
Tämä kuulostaa siltä kuin oikeaa ja väärää ei olisi mahdollista tietää vaan
että voi itse päättää siitä ryhtymällä itse jumalaksi. Samalla totuus, joka
pitää ihmisen vapaana, torjutaan ja vaiennetaan arvojen muutosprosessin
tukemiseksi. Tämän filosofian mukaisesti edes matematiikan tulokset eivät
ole objektiivisia vaan:
"He oppivat että matematiikka on ihmisten keksimää - että se on
subjektiivista ja että hyviin matemaattisiin ratkaisuihin päädytään niiden
ihmisten konsensuksen pohjalta, joita pidetään asiantuntijoina."
Useimmat meistä uskovat että 2+2 = 4 mutta olet väärässä jos saavutamme
yksimielisyyden siitä että 2+2 = 5. Koulutus on siis yhä enemmän aivopesua
ja ollaan luovuttu oppilaiden sivistämistä ja valmiuksien antamisesta
itsenäistä ajattelua varten. Eräässä opettajan käsikirjassa sanotaan että:
"Koska opetusohjelma ei korosta aritmeettisten laskelmien suorittamista
käsin eräät CMP oppilaat eivät ehkä suoriudu laskukokeista yhtä hyvin kuin
muut... Me uskomme että sellainen vaihtokauppa CMP:n korottamiseksi on
oppilaiden eduksi... työn maailmassa."
Miksi opetussuunnitelmissa tarkoituksellisesti laiminlyödään lasten
matemaattisten taitojen kehittäminen huippuunsa? Koska se on sopusoinnussa
Agenda 21:n tavoitteiden kanssa:
"Yleensä korkeammin koulutetut ihmiset, joilla on korkeammat tulot,
kuluttavat enemmän raaka-aineita kuin huonosti koulutetut ihmiset, joilla on
alhaisempi palkka. Tässä tapauksessa korkeampi koulutus merkitsee suurempaa
uhkaa kestävälle kehitykselle." Education for Sustainable Development
Koululaisten aivopesu tuottaa kollektiivisesti käyttäytyviä ihmisiä, joilta
puuttuu kyky ajatella ja toimia itsenäisesti ja joita olisi helppo käyttää
"orjina". Nykyajan trendi on nuorten ja aikuisten tyhmentäminen kouluissa ja
heidän tyynnyttämisensä "leivällä ja sirkushuveilla" sekä lääkkeillä,
päihteillä ja kemikaaleilla.
Näin pyritään saavuttamaan suunniteltu perinteisten arvojen - kodin,
uskonnon ja isänmaan - romahdus tien raivaamiseksi uudelle totalitaariselle
maailmanjärjestykselle mikä merkitsee orjuutta vihreässä
suunnitelmataloudessa. Tässä maailmassa ihminen tulee elämään ilman
vapautta, yksityisyyttä ja Raamattuun pohjautuvia perustuslaillisia
oikeuksia. Tässä uudessa maailmassa yksilön oikeudet poljetaan alas pois
ihmiskunnan kollektiivisten oikeuksien tieltä.
"Permit me to issue and control the money of the nation and I care not who makes its laws," said Mayer Amschel Rothschild less than two centuries ago.
In confirmation of his words and the effectiveness of his intention, his family now control the finances of the world and routinely ruin nation after nation and race after race at their whim as a matter of course, as we have seen in so many instances of the past, presently see in America and shortly will see throughout the rest of the world. - Please don't think or say they don't - Many of us are all too familiar with all the practices and mechanisms involved, even if some of you aren't, and though others know but don't want the rest of you to think it is other than an accident of Nature.

Monsanto has also declared its plans - if we 'permit' them - to dominate the food supply of the world. 1 It produces the lethal 'Round-Up' herbicide, which eliminates all plants other than those also produced by Monsanto and its co-conspirators Dow and Du Pont, which are genetically modified to withstand their 'Round-Up'. This will enable them to sell the only viable food-seeds to the rest of the world at whatever price they care to name - or to withhold them and therefore cause mass starvation. (Their choice of the name 'Round-up' is interesting as it is the term used for the activity of gathering 'cattle' together before driving them to their slaughter).
The Rockefeller family, who control Monsanto and are at the moment servants of the Rothschild family, are also sponsoring in the Spitzbergen Islands a seed-bank of all existing natural plants so that, when they have eliminated the rest of us unwanted humans by starvation, they will be able to re-populate the planet with natural plants.
Their country-cousins and family-friends also control the education of our children and, by means of publishing only progressively-stunting 'education' books, are producing generations of our children with less and less interest in learning or in perceiving reality and less and less ability therefore to recognize what is being done to them and to the rest of us. Their 'international' friends who control our media and the junk-food industries further the same process in our adults. These powers-that-be have also already proved that they can feed men sterile and vaccinate women to be effectively barren. All with the best of intentions - of course.

Their dual-nationality allies are inserted strategically into all our governments and 'commissions', and they control us and our individual nations via their incontestible edicts applied under their 'laws'. They also amalgamate our nations into greater groupings, each with its Rothschild controlled 'Central Bank', for their easier management - by them, of course, rather than by the rightful inhabitants of the various subservient countries, and raise - 'harmonize' - all our price levels. They then flood our various lands with natives of other 'states', thus fragmenting our family nations by dilution.
The harm of finance maliciously inflicted worldwide is evident in their routine cyclic 'boom and bust' exercise and periodic wars. - Look at the crudely-managed financial 'calamity' in progress, the manufactured war against Afghanistan for the Caspian Sea oil, the present criminal invasion of Iraq for theirs, and the intended and projected wars on Iran and Syria. Surely you do not really still believe that the wars, revolutions, and routine cyclic 'booms and busts' of the last two centuries all 'just happened', do you? - "If my sons did not want wars, there would be no wars." – Madame Mayer Amschel Rothschild 2.
All these evils are permitted by the vast bulk of fictitious finance lodged securely in the fictitious tax-exempt 'Trusts', but, fiction or not, in our credulous world the swindle continues to function.
Without remedy, therefore, when these two ambitious 'powers' vie for control of the planet the prospect for the rest of us is - incidentally, of course - intended to be more than somewhat bleak.
However, this evil process of the elimination of the rest of us can be reversed and ended. It can even be done peacefully.
We are in a bus careering down a hillside. If you look, there are two irresponsible speed-crazed infants at the wheel. But we are the adults. Look, this is the wheel, and this is the brake. Now we take control. No panic, no drama.
Firstly, we, the people, nominate and elect our representatives, who solely will express our intentions and will work in our interest rather than in that of these others who clearly intend us nothing but harm. These our representatives will be replaceable without prior notice if not complying with the will of us their nominators, and they will be hanged or otherwise drastically penalized if corrupted, together with their intending corruptors.
Next, we will abolish finance as it exists at present as a motivating and corrupting force. The otherwise useless money in the 'trusts' will be abolished, and the amassing of such 'wealth' will be eliminated. We will also control 'the Corporations'. The evil of Corporatism is to be unwound. Money will no longer be used to create only more money to use against the interests of the rest. - Remember that the 'value' of all money is only a fiction anyway, and has never been anything else for the last five thousand years of its infliction on unsuspecting innocent humanity at such cruel cost.
You will no longer have to work the extra eight or nine months of the year that you do now simply to produce this fiction of money to pay taxes for the Rothschilds to take and lend back to us for our infrastructures and to compound our enslavement, and to pay their 'interest' on all our major necessities of life for which under their monetary system they now oblige you to borrow. The unnecessary work will disappear, and all the excess energy presently wasted in simply fattening the Rothschilds and their Trusts will cease overheating the planet.
We will stop the rape of the planet in the sole interest of these aberrate few of a primate sub-species, dismantle the paid private assassination squads which they presently use worldwide to enforce their malignant intentions, and work to restore and preserve the Earth's rich diversity.
There is no alternative to this, other than either a) the quiet elimination from the planet of the rest of us or b) the more stringent and exacting prevention of our elimination by our more stringent and exacting elimination, without unnecessary extremes of politeness, of those who otherwise intend to cause our extinction, together with those of ours who so far have 'permitted' these aliens in their cause against us. - You may care to consider who these adversely influential folk have been, and who motivated them to such treachery.

The 'Central Banks' and 'the Trusts' control world finance. Monsanto and its corporate allies intend to control world food and agriculture. When these two ambitious power-blocs vie for control of the planet, the prospect for the rest of us is - quite incidentally, of course - intended to be pretty grim.
"Permit me to issue and control the money of the nation and I care not who makes its laws," said Mayer Amschel Rothschild less than two centuries ago.
In confirmation of his words and the effectiveness of his intention, his family now control the finances of the world and ruin nation after nation and race after race at their whim as a matter of course, as we have seen in so many instances of the past, presently see in America and shortly will see throughout the rest of the world. - Please don't think or say they don't - Many of us are all too familiar with all the practices and mechanisms involved, even if some of you aren't and though others know but don't want the rest of you to think it is other than an accident of Nature.

Monsanto has also declared its plans - if we are stupid enough to 'permit' them - to dominate the food supply of the world. 1 It produces the lethal 'Round-Up' herbicide, which eliminates all plants other than those also produced by Monsanto and its co-conspirators Dow and Du Pont, which are genetically modified to withstand their 'Round-Up'. This will enable them to sell the only viable food-seeds to the rest of the world at whatever price they care to name - or to withhold them and therefore cause mass starvation. (Their choice of the name 'Round-up' is interesting as it is the term used for the activity of gathering 'cattle' together before driving them to their slaughter).
The Rockefeller family, who control Monsanto and are at the moment servants of the Rothschild family, are also sponsoring in the Spitzbergen Islands a seed-bank of all existing natural plants so that, when they have eliminated the rest of us unwanted humans by starvation, they will be able to re-populate the planet with natural plants.
Their country-cousins and family-friends also control the education of our children and, by means of publishing only progressively-stunting 'education' books, are producing generations of our children with less and less interest in learning or in perceiving reality and less and less ability therefore to recognize what is being done to them and to the rest of us. Their 'international' friends who control our media and the junk-food industries further the same process in our adults. These powers-that-be have also already proved that they can feed men sterile and vaccinate women to be effectively barren. All with the best of intentions - Oh, of course!

Their dual-nationality allies are inserted strategically into all our governments and 'commissions', and they control us and our individual nations via their incontestible edicts applied under their 'laws'. They also amalgamate our nations into greater groupings, each with its Rothschild-controlled 'Central Bank', for their easier management - by them, of course, rather than by the rightful inhabitants of the various subservient countries, and raise - 'harmonize' - all our price levels. They then flood our various lands with natives of other 'states', thus fragmenting our family nations by dilution.
The harm of finance maliciously inflicted worldwide is evident in their routine cyclic 'boom and bust' exercise and periodic wars. - Look at the crudely-managed financial 'calamity' in progress, the manufactured war against Afghanistan for the Caspian Sea oil, the present criminal invasion of Iraq for theirs, and the intended and projected wars on Iran and Syria. Surely you do not really still believe that the wars, revolutions, and routine cyclic 'booms and busts' of the last two centuries all 'just happened', do you? - "If my sons did not want wars, there would be no wars." – Madame Mayer Amschel Rothschild 2.
All these evils are permitted by the vast bulk of fictitious finance lodged securely in the fictitious tax-exempt 'Trusts', but, fiction or not, in our credulous world the swindle continues to function.
Without remedy, therefore, when these two ambitious 'powers' vie for control of the planet the prospect for the rest of us is incidentally intended to be more than somewhat bleak.
However, this evil process of the elimination of the rest of us can be reversed and ended. It can even be done peacefully.
We are in a bus careering down a hillside. If you look, there are two irresponsible speed-crazed infants at the wheel. But we are the adults. Look, this is the wheel, and this is the brake. Now we take control. No panic, no drama.
Firstly, we, the people, nominate and elect our representatives, who solely will express our intentions and will work in our interest rather than in that of these others who clearly intend us nothing but harm. These our representatives will be replaceable without prior notice if not complying with the will of us their nominators, and they will be hanged or otherwise drastically penalized if corrupted, together with their intending corruptors.
Next, we will abolish finance as it exists at present as a motivating and corrupting force. The otherwise useless money in the 'trusts' will be abolished, and the amassing of such 'wealth' will be eliminated. We will also control 'the Corporations'. The evil of Corporatism is to be unwound. Money will no longer be used to create only more money to use against the interests of the rest. - Remember that the 'value' of all money is only a fiction anyway, and has never been anything else for the last five thousand years of its infliction on unsuspecting innocent humanity at such cruel cost.
You will no longer have to work the extra eight or nine months of the year that you do now simply to produce this fiction of money to pay taxes for the Rothschilds to take and lend back to us for our infrastructures and to compound our enslavement, and to pay their 'interest' on all our major necessities of life for which under their monetary system they now oblige you to borrow. The unnecessary work will disappear, and all the excess energy presently wasted in simply fattening the Rothschilds and their Trusts will cease overheating the planet.
We will stop the rape of the planet in the sole interest of this aberrate few of a primate sub-species, dismantle the paid private assassination squads which they presently use worldwide to enforce their malignant intentions, and work to restore and preserve the Earth's rich diversity.
There is no alternative to this, other than a) either the quiet elimination from the planet of the rest of us or b) the more stringent and exacting prevention of our elimination by our more stringent and exacting elimination, without unnecessary extremes of politeness, of those who otherwise intend to cause our extinction, together with those of ours who so far have 'permitted' these aliens in their cause against us. - You may care to consider who these adversely influential folk have been, and who motivated them to such treachery.
There are no 'politics' or 'isms' or affiliations involved in this. It is simply a matter of whether we as individuals or as a species want to survive or to become extinct. Frankly, I know which I prefer, and to put this means of survival into effect is no more difficult than it is to understand. We will be rid of the curse of finance forever, together with the malign power that its manipulators have held over the planet for so long. No sane people of goodwill can possibly argue against this aspiration to disperse the delusion of finance and its gross misuse in enslaving and dominating others.
So the simple question is, Do you want that you and your descendants shall live, or do you want a premature death and the end of your line which your ancestors have striven to sustain for three thousand million years so far without any single such previous failure?
Then, for all of you who have no perverse death-wish, this is easy. Just wake up and let's do it!
Who will or will not publish, and reaction to this quiet warning and and its suggested non-violent remedy will also be revealing. Remember, we have done nothing nor even suggested anything prejudicial to others, but are merely trying to avoid the well-evidenced worst intentions of a few obviously malignant parasites toward us and our families.
"If broadly introduced around the world, GM seeds could within perhaps a decade or so make the world’s majority of food producers new feudal serfs in bondage to three or four giant seed companies such as Monsanto or DuPont or Dow Chemical.
There are terrible possibilities for biological, eugenic warfare in this Rockefeller programme which includes a "doomsday seed bank" in Svalbard." (Global Research - see below)

The Independent June 19, 2008:
UK Ministers have told The Independent that rocketing food prices and food shortages in the world's poorest countries mean the time is right to relax Britain's policy on use of GM (gene modified) crops ("The Seed of Evil" see post on this blog May 20, 2008).
On May 23, 2008, protesters against GM foods shut down BASF´s headquarters in the UK!
Last night, the Environment minister Phil Woolas held preliminary talks with the Agricultural Biotechnology Council, an umbrella group formed in 2000 to promote the role of biotechnology in agriculture. It is run by representatives from the companies Monsanto, Bayer CropSciences, BASF, Dow AgroSciences, Pioneer (DuPont - one of Fritz Springmeyer´s 13 Illuminist blood lines), and Syngenta (a member of Rockefeller´s Consultative Group on International Agriculture Research (CGIAR).
In 2004, after a heated public debate, the Government decided there was no scientific case for a blanket ban on GM crops - unless there would be a risk to people or environment. There are no GM crops being grown in Britain.
Gordon Brown is believed to be sympathetic to taking a fresh look at the issue in the light of mounting problems including "food riots" around the world.
At a summit of EU leaders in Brussels today, the Prime Minister will propose a six-point plan to drive down food prices which includes " improving the EU regulatory regime for GM organisms".
Arguments against GM Foods
Green groups reacted angrily to the prospect of a government rethink. Clare Oxborrow, GM campaigner for Friends of the Earth, said: "Industry claims that GM crops are necessary to feed the world are a cynical attempt to use the food crisis for financial gain – and governments should look at the industry's record before believing the hype.
"After a decade of commercialisation most GM crops are used for animal feed, not food; they do not yield more than conventional crops; and GM drought and salt-tolerant crops remain a PR promise rather than reality."
Van Aken, agricultural campaigner for Greenpeace International, said: There is no science behind the industry's claim."
In France rats died on GM rations due to liver, heart, kidney and brain damages!!
No wonder! (Global Research, William Engdahl, Dec. 4, 2007)
Rockefeller´s Green Revolution: Super-wheat produced greater yields by saturating the soil with huge amounts of fertilizer per acre, the fertilizer being the product of nitrates and petroleum, commodities controlled by the Rockefeller-dominated Seven Sisters major oil companies.
Huge quantities of herbicides and pesticides were also used, creating additional markets for the oil and chemical giants. As one analyst put it, in effect, the Green Revolution was merely a chemical revolution.
At no point could developing nations pay for the huge amounts of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
After harvest, many small farmers had to sell most if not all of their produce to pay off loans and interest to Rockefeller banks and often lost their land.
Since early in 2007 Monsanto holds world patent rights together with the United States Government for plant so-called ‘Terminator’ or Genetic Use Restriction Technology (GURT). Terminator is an ominous technology by which a patented commercial seed commits ‘suicide’ after one harvest. Control by private seed companies is total.
Such control and power over the food chain has never before in the history of mankind existed.
This clever genetically engineered terminator trait forces farmers to return every year to Monsanto or other GMO seed suppliers to get new seeds for rice, soybeans, corn, wheat whatever major crops - in stead of growing their own seed corn."
The illuminists (explanatory statement), i.e. the EU Commission and George Bush are backing the New World Order´s (Pres. Bush sr. 5 times 1990-91) wish to introduce Rockefeller´s/Monsanto´s “Seed of Evil” - and the US is pressuring the EU to give the European market free to GM products, the US Government being part of the project.
France, Germany and Austria are cautious but the European Commission, backed by Britain and other EU nations, believes that lifting the ban could help to solve the global food crisis.
George Bush has said GM crops could help to ease the problems because of their high yields and resistance to drought.
Who are The Players making the British Cabinet so eager to introduce Monsanto´s “Evil Monster Seed” ?
As previously shown on this blog, Monsanto is a Rockefeller Foundation backed Corporation with widepread ramifications in the US political establishment. Bill and Hillary Clinton are economically dependent on them - using the Bill Clinton administration to bribe the EU into acccepting this product.
The argument that the GM crops are resistant to drought is derived from the lie that the globe is moving into a man-made warmer – and drier climate.
So the argument that Monsanto´s “evil seed” can save the globe from starvation is a lie.
What could help, would be a release of the enormous stores of US rice enforced upon self-providing Japan – but not being allowed for the hungry of the world .
Besides, the sudden argument that food prices are increasing due to grain shortage is peculiar: Starvation has always been a reality for 2-3 billion people: Now that 100 million people are said to starve attention suddenly rises!
What is the reason for the suddenly rising food prices?
There are no indications of disastrous harvests in Europe or the USA. Australia is said to be hit by drought last year. In the Süddeutsche Zeitung on 4 June, 2008, record rice harvests in China and India were reported !!! And we do not require more food, as our populations are decreasing!!!.
Many think the explosive food prices are due to biofuel and speculation.
In Canada in 2007 the wheat production went down by 4-5% - due to too much rain (not drought!!!) – whereas barley production went up. Globally the CWB predicted that world wheat production in 2007 levels would increase to 615 million tonnes (up from 594 million tonnes in 2006).
I am a farmer´s son: Through my entire life I have heard farmers complaining: Either too much drought like 1947 and 1959 – or too much rain. And no one starved! Because no one used these natural weather cycles for dirty political purposes!
David Rockefeller, ruler of the Earth
Who are behind the speculations in CO2-trading, oil price and food price speculation?
1. As I have previously shown the economical beneficiaries of the CO2-trading are banks around Rockefeller, Rothschild - and Nobel Prize winner Al Gore!
2. The forces behind the oil price speculation are the oil companies – owned by Rockefeller- all being layers of John D. Rockefeller´s Standard Oil Company, which was forced to split up into today´s oil companies in 1911. Their tool is decreasing the refinery activity - even the EU admitting the oil companies not having made the necessary investments. Olil shortage is apparently a myth!
3. a. Food price increase: BASF and Bayer are – alongside with Hoechst the daughters of the deceased Rockefeller company I.G. Farben, which produced the Zyklon B for gassing the jews at Auschwitz! Monsanto is also a Rockefeller corporation
3. b. The economical forces able to drive food prices up by 30- 80% world wide in just one year must be formidable, indeed.
On the Danish radio I have heard that hedge funds are behind it. And even the EU admits speculation is part of the cause
Now, who would control so powerful hedge funds?
The following is from Wikipedia”
Such highly speculative funds are open to few accredited investors. Hedge funds have acquired a reputation for secrecy. The assets under management of a hedge fund can run into many billions of dollars, and this will usually be multiplied by leverage. Their sway over markets is therefore potentially substantial.
Mentioned Hedge Funds: Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch, Eurekahedge Indices, Barclay Hedge, Hedge Fund Research, Credit Suisse Tremont and FTSE Hedge.HFN Averages, Lehman Brothers/HFN Global Index Series.
We are here in the heartland of Rothschild activiy
here and here and here and here
Nathaniel Philip Rothschild, 35 years old and about to become the richest of them all. In five short years, the man in line to be the fifth Baron Rothschild became close to becoming a billionaire through a web of private equity investments in Ukraine, Eastern Europe and most significant, his partnership stake in Atticus Capital, the fast-growing $14 billion hedge fund. His ill-famed ancestor, initiator of The New World Order, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, said : "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws." !!!"
Merryl Lynch and Goldmann Sachs are Rothschild daughters.
The vice-president of the above Eurekahedge , Christian Elsmark used to work for Rothschild and Rothschild partner J.P. Morgan
Nathaniel Rothschild owns 1% of the Barclay Bank
Credit Suisse Tremont is a Rothschild partner
In New York Rothschild and Lehman were neighbours and shared the same garden!
And Lehmann Brothers is a Rothschild daughter
Conclusion: The Rockefeller dynasty is the US arm of the Rothschild dynasty – even through intermarriage, David and Nelson Rockefeller´s mother being a Rothschild.
There are thus many indications that the present speculative rise in food and oil price is due to the leaders of the New World Order, the Rothschild and the Rockefeller dynasties – and that they are making ever more money enslaving us and making us gasp under their economical yoke - combining it with a grip of some kind of "our" politicians and the eurocrats.
And in doing so they make us cry louder and louder for their aim: their corporate world state , ruled by their tool, the UN paid for by - the Rockefeller dynasty.
"Zeit-Fragen, 25.03.2008: In an extrajudicial agreement between Percy Schmeiser and Monsanto, Monsanto today admitted its responsibility for the gene moderated contamination of Schmeisers rapefields. In vain, Monsanto tried to command Schmeiser and his wife to be silent on the affair. And Schmeiser is not alone. Monsanto has a "Gestapo" corps of violent agents trying to intimidate farmers to give in to Monsant.
Why is Percy Schmeiser worried ?
E. William Engdahl, Global Research, August 27, 2006
” In October 1999 following a worldwide storm of protest against Terminator seeds that threatened the very future of the Rockefeller Foundation’s ‘Gene Revolution’ Dr. Gordon Conway, President of the prestigious Rockefeller Foundation, met privately with the Board of Directors of Monsanto. Conway convinced Monsanto that for the long-term future of their GMO (gene modified organism) Project, they must go public to indicate to a worried world that it would not commercialize’ “Terminator” (i.e. seed begetting crops which cannot be used for seed the next year. Development of the genetic revolution and genetic engineering as a research area had been the project of the Rockefeller Foundation over decades, along with researchers in the family’s Rockefeller University. The world was left with the (misleading) impression that Terminator was dead. Reality was it was anything but dead. Seven years later, long after public outcry against Terminator technology had died down, Monsanto re-entered and bought Delta & Pine Land (which had cooperated with the US Secretary of Agriculture on the Terminator project since 1983) and its Terminator patents. The key scientific member of the Delta & Pine Land board since 1993 has been Dr. Nam-Hai Chua. Chua, 62, is also head of the Rockefeller University Plant Molecular Biology Laboratory in New York, and has been for over 25 years, the labs which are at the heart of the Rockefeller Foundation’s decades-long development, and spending of more than $100 millions of its own research grants to create their Gene Revolution. Until 1995, Chua was also a scientific consultant to Monsanto Corporation, as well as to DuPont’s (like Rockefeller one of Fritz Springmeyer´s 13 illuminati bloodlines) Pioneer Hi-Bred International. Chua is at the heart of Rockefeller’s Gene Revolution. And, clearly, Delta & Pine Land and their research on Terminator have been in the center of that work.
Why do they do this to us?
Sound far-fetched? Go back to what then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger did in countries like Allende’s Chile to force a regime change to a ‘US-friendly’ Pinochet dictatorship by withholding USAID and private food exports to Chile. Kissinger dubbed it ‘food as a weapon.’ Terminator is merely the logical next step in food weapon technology.

As Kissinger said back in the 1970’s, ‘Control the oil and you can control entire Continents. Control food and you control people…’
Members of this noble club “Delta & Pine Land” saved present President Bush jr. from bankruptcy and supplied Bill and Hillary Clinton with money. In 1999 The Guardian confirmed Bill Clinton to be paid off by Monsanto. So great is its influence that in the Guardian article Betty Martini, of the consumer group, Mission Possible, which watches Monsanto's activities in the US, said: 'The Food and Drug Administration, which regulates the US food industry, is so closely linked to the biotech industry now that it could be desribed as their Washington branch office.' Besides, it is reported that employees of the government get jobs with Monsanto - and vice versa!!

Why is the EU so keen on Monsanto/Rockefeller´s GMO products?
When faced with the almost certain prospect that the EU would ban the import of Monsanto's genetically engineered corn in 1998, the company unleashed an unprecedented lobbying effort, flying a group of critics to the United States, where they visited corporate headquarters. Then the writers were taken to Washington, where they were given a tour of the White House, including a rare visit to the Oval Office.Top Clinton aides–including U.S. Trade Rep. Charlene Barshevsky, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman and Secretary of Commerce William Daley–also have lobbied their European counterparts on Monsanto's behalf. Even Bill Clinton and Al Gore got in on the act. It is more than indicated that the critics were bribed!!!
All invented? Hardly!
EU's EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) has had Monsanto´s gene modified maize approved by the European Council for fodder and foods. The EFSA does not mind the fact that this GMO maize produces resistance to certain important antibiotics! Product labeling as for GMO was declared unnecessary!
Moreover, the partner of Monsanto, Bayer (daughter of former Rockefeller Ltd., I.G. Farben (Zyklon B-gas for Auschwitz!) has had its gene modified soy beans accepted by the EU for sale as food and fodder.
Another I.G. Farben-daughter, BASF is now applying for approval of a GMO potato for the EU market! The EU Commission recommends its marketing - although the European Medicines Agency and the Pasteur Institute vigorously dissuade because of the risk of the development of bacterial resistance to antibiotics associated with it. Many EU governments are also opposed.
Monsantos GMO maize approved by the EU in spite of French laboratory having shown it to cause liver, kidney, heart and brain damages to rats being fed with it. Protests were swept off the table.
On Apr. 24, 2008, despite pressure from the European Union, Greece has implemented and extended bans on the MON810 strain since April 2005.
"We absolutely oppose the circulation of genetically modified organisms," Greek Agriculture Minister Kondos said. Genetically modified crops are a touchy issue in the EU. The European Food Safety Authority ruled in 2004 that genetically modified products do not constitute a risk to human health or the environment.
But some EU governments _ including Austria, France, Greece, Luxembourg and Germany _ are wary of biotechnology and are fighting to keep the crops from their fields and out of their supermarkets.
"Internationally, there is no study showing that biotech products do not harm humans and the environment," Kondos said.
To the GMO maize belong certain fungi- and herbicides – produced by Bayer and Monsanto, of course, so as to bring more profit!
How does this lucrative scheme work?
In a June 1998 interview, USDA (US secretary of Agriculture) spokesman, Willard Phelps, defined the US Government policy on Terminator seeds. He explained that USDA wanted the technology to be ‘widely licensed and made expeditiously available to many seed companies.’ He meant agribusiness GMO giants like Monsanto, DuPont or Dow. The USDA was open about their reasons: They wanted to get Terminator seeds into the developing world where the Rockefeller Foundation had made eventual proliferation of genetically engineered crops the heart of its GMO strategy from the beginnings of its rice genome project in 1984.
USDA’s Phelps stated that the US Government’s goal in fostering the widest possible development of Terminator technology was ‘to increase the value of proprietary seed owned by US seed companies and to open up new markets in Second and Third World countries.’
Under WTO rules on free trade in agriculture, countries are forbidden to impose their own national health restrictions on GMO imports if it is deemed to be an ‘unfair trade barrier.’ It begins to become clear why it was the US Government and US agribusiness which during the late 1980’s pushed at the GATT Uruguay Round for creation of a World Trade Organization, with its supranational arbitrary powers over world agriculture trade. It all fits into a neat picture of patented seeds, forced on reluctant WTO member nations, under threat of WTO sanctions, and now of Terminator or suicide seeds.
Does this have pracctical implications?
It has indeed. In Canada you can no longer grow traditional rape! You can only grow Monsanto/Rockefeller´s Terminator rape. Which means you cannot any longer put aside part of your harvest to sow next year! You must buy from Rockefeller every year. And Monsanto/Rockefeller can decide, if they want to sell to you or not. This is really food as a political
weapon to control people!!
In India 4000 farmers have committed suicide, because they are not able to buy more Terminator seed from Rockefeller´s Monsanto. This means starvation out there!! See this terrible video (in German). An Indian woman calls the Monsanto “the seed of Evil”
And this report from the “Deutsche Tagesschau/ARD confirms this ( in German).
Percy Schmeiser was rightly scared: intentionally or spreading with the wind his traditional rape field – maybe the last in Canada – had been infected with terminator rape.
How far has it gone with this giving in to the New World Order´ manipulation and exploitation?
The WDR (Westdeutscher Rundfunk) informed on May 12, 2008: "The UN-meeting at Bonn from May 12 to 16, 2008, deals with GMO security. An international treaty (the Cartagena-Protocol) regulates cross-frontier GMO trading. Who must be informed how and to what extent? What must the declaration of the GMO look like? Answers to these questions are being decided there. At present, there are 147 member states, among them all members of the EU. The USA, Australia and Argentina have not signed the Protocol. However, they belong to the biggest exporters of foods worldwide.
Comment: This is not conspiration theory. This seems to me to be journalistically documented conspirative practice, a grab for the really big money – and the implementation through starvation of the corporative world governance by very few super rich bankers, which is the goal of the New World Order: As the masterrace they want to rule the world and its underlings with as much profit as possible – at your and my cost, blood, swear and tears. And they want to implement the population regulation of the Club of Rome: The policy of the French Revolution, i.e. the destruction of “useless eaters”, as illuminist Lord Bertrand Russell called us. The speculation-caused increase in oil price is just another way to make food more expensive due to skyrocketing transport costs. In the same direction works the enormous money-destruction in the ongoing banker-caused bank crisis and grain price speculation. The latter Speculation is confirmed by the fact that at the GATT round in Uruguay the US forced self-supplying Japan to buy enormous quantities of US rice according to the Times Online. This rice is now stored in Japan - but the US forbids it to be sold to the starving world market !!! However, already this piece of information has caused world market rice price to plummet!
The New World Order will govern the world state in the same manner as it is governing us through Monsanto!
We need to realise the problems in the world are OUR problem, not just THEIR problem.
We are all human - we are all one.
Me kansalaiset emme tiedä, mitä päällemme suihkutetut myrkylliset kemikaalit ja raskasmetallit aiheuttavat ja kuinka pian tulee kuolema?
Mitä sairauksia saat kohta noista myrkyistä?
Nämä harkitusti taivaalle suihkutetut nanokemikaalihiukkaset päätyvät ihmisten keuhkoihin lopulta ja sieltä verenkierron kautta kaikkialle ihmiselimistöön ja lopulta luuytimeen, josta ne eivät lähde pois. Ja ihminen sairastuu ja ennen pitkään kuolee.
Yhä useampi esittää näitä kysymyksiä, mutta kukaan ei saa vastauksia ainakaan viranomaisilta, jotka jostain syystä salaavat asian.
Tämä täytyy saada loppumaan.

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